A New Beginning

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Hi friends!! Thank you so much for your valuable votes & comments.. Last part didn't reach expected votes.. Dunno where I'm going wrong.. Give me your valuable suggestions..

After reaching 75 votes, I'll update the next..


Here the story starts from

Abhi & Bulbul is shown sitting in the car, he's full of smile thinking of that day events.. Bulbul is lost seeing the card given by Purab..

Abhi: Thank you Bulbul.. You made my day.. (Smiles) Ask me, whatever you want.. I'll definitely provide you.. I swear..

Bul.. Bul.. Hey.. Bul..

Bulbul: what..

Abhi: didn't you listen?.. Any problem..

Bulbul: 58th proposal.. (Hugs the card) my poor purab..

Abhi: (coughs) why didn't you answer, then.. Bul..

Bulbul: it's not right time.. Go fast..

Abhi: Bul.. I'll help you.. Don't worry.. Once my way got cleared..

Bulbul: No thanks.. I can handle better than you..

Abhi stares at her & drives without giving her a look..

Once they reached their mansion.. They silently walked into their living hall.. They saw Ram sitting with hell anger gritting his teeth..

He slapped Abhi hard.. Bulbul got scared..

Ram: where were you? Haan.. Am I looking like a fool to you?..

And you.. Come front.. Bulbul.. Have you helped your friend?

Bulbul: Dad.. I'm sorry.. (With puppy eyes)

Abhi: dad.. She..

Ram: you just shut up.. I've given so much freedom to you.. It's my fault.. What they'll think of me?

Bulbul: Dad.. Please calm down.. You..

Ram: shut up.. It's my last warning.. If you again dare to enter their house, don't come back here.. Go somewhere else.. Who she's? (Frowns)

Pragya, right.. You went to console her.. Right.. Who she is.. And you both..

Abhi: Dad.. She is..

Bulbul: Nothing to us.. it's all because of my maths teacher.. (Sighs & sits on the sofa & threw away her bag with anger).. Idiot, Purab.. Took this much time for just 10 sums.. Dumbo.. (Closes her eyes)

Ram: what are you blabbering? (Roars)

Bulbul: Mam arranged partners for each to take care of their studies.. My poor fate.. I got first grade & he.. Failed in 3 subjects already.. Dumbo..

So, mam gave him as my partner to take care of his studies..

Ram: Have your mam gone nuts? I'll talk to principal.. (He takes the mobile)

Bulbul: No.. What I mean is.. dad.. If i did that, it means I'm accepting the defeat.. After all I'm Ms.Bulbul Ram Mehra, do you think I'll accept my defeat? I won't.. I'll make him pass..

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