A Ray of Hope

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Sorry friends  for being so late.. I know you people are hell angry with me.. I'll be regular hereafter and I'll try to complete my 2 stories as soon as possible.. please do read and give me your valuable votes and comments.. If you think it's really worth..


Here the story starts from

Vikram is seen talking to Ram at party's house..

Vikram: Bhai.. what did you talk with her? Did she get convince with you?

Ram: No Vikram.. I was not happy with Abhi's choice at first.. but now I'm convinced.. she loves him so much.. (smiles) I didn't let her know that I felt Abhi chosen a good daughter in law.. I just fought with her and came back..

Let's give them time to prove how strong their love is.. Don't let Abhi know what I told you..

Vikram: ok bhai.. (got sad)

Vikram in mind: I've to do something..  I'm not convinced..

Abhi comes inside running towards his dad and looks at him with sad face.. Ram walks away ignoring Abhi talking to his PA..

Abhi : Dad.. I wanna talk to you..

Ram: what?

Abhi: personally..

Ram: I've no time,  let's talk afterwards in home..

Abhi: Dad.. I wanna know what did you talk with her? I can't wait..

Ram : abhi.. don't waste my time.. I'll talk to you later.. I've works..

Abhi:  Dad.. I'm  hell desperate to know.. please tell me..

Ram: why can't you ask her then?

Abhi: she didn't tell me anything..

Ram: then why should I?

Abhi: Dad.. Ok whatever you told her.. i dunno.. please don't hurt her again.. she's already going through a lot..

Ram: Do you think, I've no jobs other than this?

Abhi: Dad, I didn't mean that.. Pragya.. is not what do you think, she's ..

Ram: Vikram, send him out..

Abhi: Dad.. show your anger towards me not to her.. Please.. (And he leaves)

Ram looks on..

Abhi calls Pragya..

Abhi: hey chasmish.. What are you doing?

Pragya: I got into a meeting.. I'll call you after sometime..

Abhi: okay.. Bye..

Vikram: Are you upset? Does something bother you? Share it with me.. Abhi..

Abhi: what to say.. Dad.. Ever since I came back from US.. I'm facing problems one by one.. I'm exhausted..

Vikram: Pragya is the root of all your problems.. Don't you think so?

Abhi: How can she be?.. Dad.. I love her.. And you.. Don't you like her, dad? Why are you talking like this?

Abhigya Is It Destiny?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن