"Take them. The knife and the locket, and we will finally end the monsters." Chara said.

Frisk reached for them, and Chara disappeared.


The lights turned back on. It was morning now, and Frisk's escape plan was ruined, but they were starting to form a new one. Toriel was awake and reading a book. Frisk came up to her and asked when they could leave.

"U-um," Toriel stuttered, "Would you like to hear about the book I am reading? It's about snails."

Toriel ignored Frisk's question. Frisk asked again, "When can I leave medbay?"

"D-did you know that snails can.... Stay here. I have something I have to do."

She closed her book and got up, heading towards the closed doors of medbay. Frisk followed her.

"Ahead of us is the exit of Medbay. I am going to destroy it. Every human that comes here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child... if you leave medbay. They... Asgore... will kill you. You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others. There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself... Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!" Toriel blocks the way.

The four options appeared in front of Frisk: Kill, Sabotage, Report, and Mercy. It wasn't too hard for them to decide. They chose Kill and Chara's knife slew through Toriel like she was nothing. Toriel fell to her knees.

"Y... you... really hate me that much? Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you here. Not you... But them!" She said with the last of her will.

Only a purple corpse remained. Frisk vented away as if nothing had happened.


Sans strolled by the closed door of Medbay. He had just come up with some new jokes that he thought were pretty killer.

He knocked on the door, "Knock, knock."

No response.

Maybe she didn't hear me, he thought.

He tried again, louder this time, "Knock, knock."

The doors of Medbay opened. Nothing could've prepared Sans for what he saw next. A dead body, bleeding over the white floors of medbay.

"No..." he whispered to himself.

Realization hit him hard. She was gone. And he never even knew her name. He hit the report button. Whoever had done this... was going to have a bad time.


Everyone showed up in cafeteria. Sans didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, but it seemed like he didn't have a choice. Who knew when the impostor would strike next, or who else they would kill.

"So tell us, what exactly happened Sans?" Undyne said, who was not usually much of a detective, but was a fighter, and probably wanted to kill this impostor as soon as possible.

Sans would be surprised if she didn't immediately kill the first person someone said looked sus. And for that reason he wasn't going to be telling them everything, he had to have his secrets of course.

"I came to Medbay, the doors opened, and then i saw a dead body," he said.

Alphys stuttered, "W-who's B-b-body did you see?" the fact that someone died, making her very afraid.

"Truth is, i don't know her name. She was wearing a purple suit, and was always in Medbay with the doors closed." Sans said.

"Tori..." Asgore whispered, the weight of his dead ex-wife weighing heavily on him. Weren't the deaths of Chara and Asriel enough?

"It must have been an impostor!" Papyrus exclaimed, somehow too innocent to catch on to the fact that someone died.

"Now, I don't want to go pointing fingers," Mettaton said, lying to them, "but out of the seven of us here, and the other two that aren't here... UNDYNE SUS!!!"

"WHAT!!!" She exclaimed, hopping up on the table in rage.

"Well don't look at me like that, darling, it's not my fault you're always in weapons, I mean how sus is that? She probably has a secret stash of actual weapons in weapons!" Mettaton said, clearing trying to cause conflict.

"OH YEAH?!?!? How do we know you aren't the impostor since you are so eager to go pointing fingers!!!" Undyne backfired, enraged.

Mettaton scoffed, "ME? Darling, you must be out of your mind! I've been doing my tasks like a good little robot star!"

"Oh and I'm somehow sus? I'VE BEEN SERVING THIS SHIP AND OUR KING SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN!!!!!" Undyne screamed.

Undyne and Mettaton started screaming back and forth, Papyrus started screaming too because he thought it was a game, Sans started to fall asleep, Asgore was thinking about Toriel, napstablook was just sitting there quietly, wishing he wasn't there, and Alphys was trying to stop the fighting.

"N-now, Everybody C-c-calm down!" Alphys stuttered.

But no one heard her and the fighting went on.

"M-maybe we can work this out?"

Still, no one had heard her.

She had had enough, "EVERYONE QUIET!" they all looked at her in astonishment.

"Uhhh..." Now that all eyes were on her she was starting to feel embarrassed, "L-lets not point fingers, okay? W-we should only a-accuse someone if we have proof..." She fiddled with her fingers and looked down.

"So its a draw then? We all won't vote and move on?" Sans was hoping this was the case, as he was starting to get a clue who the impostor was and he knew it wasn't anyone in this room.

"I don't know about that, Sans." Mettaton said, attempting to start an argument once more, "You're the only one who saw the body, how do we know you didn't self-report?"

"Oh please!" said Papyrus, "Sans can't be the impostor! He's too lazy. And he's been visiting that door for a long time, so even if he was the impostor, he would have... done whatever the impostor does... a while ago!"

"Fine..." said Mettaton, saddened at the lack of an ejection this round, "I guess its a draw..." He left the cafeteria, heading down to storage, Alphys followed behind them, and Napstablook just sort of... disappeared. Undyne and Asgore went to the left, and Sans and Papyrus to the right. Frisk had devised a perfect plan... and they were all falling into it.

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