10. Expectation Vs Reality

Start from the beginning

"Let's have a date!"

Lucy secretly smiled before getting up, her heart was celebrating behind her rib cage. She's already imagining herself in a fancy restaurant with romantic ambiance or stargazing with him while holding each other's hands when the night comes.

"To where?"

"To the guild! Let's try Mira's new specialty!"

And her dreams of having romantic date evaporated quickly.

Her girl friends laughed like there's no tomorrow. Levy was even slamming her hand on the floor just to prove that Lucy's story cracked her up big time.

"Date in the guild?! Oh please!" Evergreen exclaimed while wiping her tears of joy.

"What's that idiot thinking?" Erza murmured.

"Well, he understands dates as a bonding of a couple. Eating together, talking about some things, and stuff." Lucy shrugged, smirking.

"That's true...but he should've atleast brought you to somewhere more special..." Juvia said.

"Speaking of special, aside from the guild, he mostly brings me under the sakura tree every afternoon and just lay there until dusk..." Their Celestial Mage flashed a pretty smile, her eyes were sparkling. "It's not that romantic but... I'm fine anywhere as long as I'm with him..."

The girls blushed. Levy even covered her face with her hands and squealed against her palm, making Lucy laugh.

"So the next quality of my ideal boyfriend is a good cook!"

"Oh boy," Evergreen muttered, readying herself for another ridiculous scenario.

Lucy jolted awake when a burnt smell filled her nose. She muttered curses as she dashed to kitchen like her life depended on it. And there, she found Natsu Dragneel in her pink apron, holding a spatula while staring weirdly at something in the pan.

She roamed her eyes around to her once clean and organized kitchen. Shell of eggs, baking powder, a cooking guide, and the utensils were scattered on the table, some on the floor. The sink was full of burned pancakes.

"Natsu! What are you doing?!"

He turned to face her. His frown was replaced by a goofy grin. His face had some baking powder. "Good morning, Luce! I cooked you breakfast!"

Then he put the pancake on a plate and looked at her. "Here! Eat well~!"

The trembling blonde looked at the food in front of her...if you can call it one.

"Is this even edible...?" Lucy sweatdropped.

"Did you eat that, Lu-chan?" Levy asked, grinning widely. Lucy nodded that made their eyes widen in shock.

"What?!! Were you okay, Lucy?!"

"Didn't you experience an awful diarrhea?!"

She chuckled, shaking her head. "Compared to his first cooked pancakes, that was the...best. I mean, it was still burnt but there's part that can be eaten," she smiled. "Besides, that was Natsu's effort. I didn't want to waste it."

Her friends cooed, slightly blushing at her words.

"Annnnd! For the fifth one, I wanted a mature boyfriend."

"Aww. Over 100, Natsu got 5 for sure." Evergreen giggled. The others laughed and nodded.

Lucy sighed, but a smile broke into her lips. "He always eats like a kid..."

"Please take it easy, Natsu..." Lucy said while watching him devouring everything in their table.

"Why are you notsh eatshing your pudsh, Luce?"

"Maybe she wants fish?" Happy offered her his fish.

"No, thanks," she deadpanned and looked at the fire mage again. "Natsu..."


She cringed as she noticed how messy eater he was. Sighing heavily, she picked up the table napkin and wiped the mess off his face. She blushed when she felt the stares of the people around them to their table.

"Say ahh, Luce!"

"Wha--Hmp!" And the whole meat was shoved in her mouth.

"He's hopeless," Erza murmured.

"It's like Expectation vs Reality, huh."

"You know..." Lucy started, looking out at the window to see the sun going down the horizon. "Natsu really is not an ideal boyfriend. But it's okay. I love everything about him, anyway, so it doesn't matter if he's perfect or not..."

They only smiled, a little blush on their cheeks.

Lucy stood up and stretched her arms. "Let's finish our work. He's surely waiting for me."

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

"I'm home..." Lucy said in a low tone as she entered her room, seven o'clock in the evening.

She clicked the lights on and found her not so ideal boyfriend and his cat sleeping on her bed. A small smile formed on her lips as she walked silently towards them.

Upon sitting beside him, he instantly wrapped his arm on her waist, eyes were still closed and still in his sleep.

"I love you, Lucy..." he murmured.

Dreaming of me, huh.

Lucy smirked, her heart having a wild concert as she felt her cheeks burning. She brushed his soft spiky hair before kissing his forehead, and laid next to him.

Natsu Dragneel may not the perfect boyfriend, but his undying feelings for her was enough to make him the best.

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