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a/n - the crows nest is that small room around the top of the Thousand Sunny's mast. The look out room, basically for those who didn't know.

"Straw Hat-ya, why are you so determined?"

Luffy hummed and looked over at Law who, for the first time in a while, decided to be the icebreaker in a conversation. It made Luffy grin, looking up at Law next to him on the bench surrounding the mast of his ship.

"What'd you mean?" He asked.

"I'm curious as to why when someone who you barely know, or even someone like me who your whole crew was against helping, you just decide to help," Law explained to him. "Not only that, but you'll put your life on the line for that person. It's rather strange to automatically trust someone so much."

Luffy grinned, laughing a little. "Is it? I just do what I want, and beat up anyone that gets in my way."

Law sighed. "I'm well aware of that Straw Hat-ya, that is what pirates do."

"Then why'd you ask?" Luffy questioned.

"Just forget about it," Law muttered in detest, standing up from his seat. "Don't try and follow me."

Luffy watched as Law walked off, puzzled.

"He's the one who asked," he mumbled, cheeks puffed out.


"Hey, Torao! I've looked everywhere for you!"

Law sighed, tilting his hat up from covering his eyes and sitting up, trying to stay awake. If Luffy hadn't just barged in, he probably would've been asleep in the next minute. "I told you not to look for me, idiot. Why're you here?"

"I was wondering where you were! I didn't think you'd be up in here," Luffy admitted, looking around the crows nest with a grin. "Its time for dinner, Sanji made a whole table full of food! You can't miss it, it looks so good!"

Law shrugged. "I'm not hungry, I'll be staying up here."

Luffy frowned. "Why? Everyone's down there!"

"As I assumed," Law muttered, tipping his hat back down. "Look Straw Hat-ya, I'm not apart of your crew. I'll feel more at ease up here."

He didn't hear anything from the boy which made him lightly smile in relief. That is of course until he felt a tight grip on his arm.

"What the hell?" Law growled, flipping his hat up to see Luffy's arm stretched over to him.

"Come on Torao, don't be so boring!" Luffy grinned.


Before Law could do much of anything to prevent what came next, Luffy pulled Law towards himself, slinging him over and sending him head butting into Luffy. Their collision ended up with them a toppled mess on the floor, Luffy somehow managing to land on top of Law so he was sitting on the older's mid section.

"Why can't you think thing through sometimes?" Law angrily hissed.

Luffy laughed. "Sorry!"

Law sighed, trying to sit up but failing to do so as Luffy had turned so he had each of his feet on either side of Law to pinning him down. It surprised Law, how it was such a skinny boy seven years younger then him could pin him down like this.

"Straw Hat-ya, you can get up now," Law more so commanded, glaring up at the teen.

Luffy smiled down at him, unmoving. "If I move, you'll come down to dinner right?"

Law's nose twitched up in annoyance. "I could just switch you with something on this ship far away from me you know."

"So why haven't you?" Luffy asked.

Law opened his mouth only to close it again. Why hasn't he? It'd be so much easier to do that. And to be honest, Law could probably just push Luffy off of him if he really tried.

So why didn't he?

"Just get off me," he mumbled, looking away from Luffy's now beaming face.

"Alright! Let's go eat!" Luffy declared, happily jumping up from Law with ease and outstretching a hand for him to grab.

Law didn't say anything, swatting Luffy's hand away to which he just shrugged and jump down from the little hole in the crows nests floor that was the way to and fro the main deck.

Law stood up, brushing the dust off of his clothes. Why did he even deny that idiot in the first place? One thing leads to another and he somehow always gets his way.

"Torao! Hurry up, I'm hungry!" Luffy whined from below.

Law smiled slightly, just using his devil fruit to transport down. When Luffy wanted something, he was determined to achieve it. Even if that something was a person, or more specifically Law, he'd always manage something. Law didn't know exactly how to feel about that.

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