Happy {AU}

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a/n - For future reference, whenever it's a modern AU, I won't be putting Law's little '-ya' on the end of names. And fun fact, did you know the style of Dressrosa was based off of Spain?

Modern AU

Monday is hell. It really is and everyone knows it. In most cases, it's the day where you have to go back to work, the day you have to go back to school. It's basically the day where all the work you had to do that you pushed to the back of your head as soon as Friday ended would resurface. Thus, the cycle of wishing for the weekend to come would start again.

Not with Law.

No, Law wasn't that privileged to have guaranteed days off. Working as a vascular surgeon at the nearest hospital was tough, considering there was only two they had there. Some other guy, who Law barely considered eligible enough to be called that, and himself. So days to himself were a treat and greatly appreciated.

So when he found out he'd have Monday off after working almost non stop for the past few weeks, he couldn't help but let a relieved smile cross his face. He was rather almost anxious per-say, until it actually came.

It was Laws day off, something he's been excited for ever since he heard the words slip from his superior's mouth. Laying on the couch in the living room, he had some relaxing music playing as a background noise as a new book was held tightly in his grasps. With sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt, he really was starting to feel relaxed.

Of course, Monday was also his boyfriends day off.

"Oh, Traffy!" Luffy called as soon as his dirty sandals hit their floor, the door slamming behind him in a loud bang that demanded attention. That's how you really knew Luffy entered a room. "You're here!"

Law tilted his head back over the back of the couch to see Luffy wearing his strange combination of cut off jean shorts with an opened, button up, sunflower patterned shirt. His hat hung limply on his back by the thin worn out piece of string.

Law sighed, tilting his head to the side to rest on the back of the couch. "Luffy, why're you still wearing that shirt? It's the middle of fall, it's not very wise to go out dressed as you do."

Luffy pouted, kicking his shoes off and making his way over to Law. "But I like it! You got it for me when we went to Spain this summer!"

"Only because you left your shirt somewhere and you couldn't find it later," Law argued, calming directing his attention back to his book.

"It was old anyway," Luffy said, Law now trying to ignore him at this point. "Wait, why're you home anyway? You're never here Monday. Or barely any other day," Luffy said with a laugh, jumping over the back on the couch to land on the conforming cushions, making Law's brow twitch in annoyance.

"I got the day off," he explained slowly. "And I'd rather enjoy it relaxing then trying to deal with you right now."

Luffy frowned, flopping forward in the couch so he rested his chin on Law's upright knee. "That's mean! We never spend time together!"

"Because we're both always busy," Law clarified. It's not like he didn't want to see Luffy, but he needed time to relax. He wouldn't help with that, as much as he cared him.

"Well now we're not! Let's go out and do something!" The younger one insisted, grabbing Law's wrist with his usual grin of happiness returning once more.

Immediately, Law snatched his hand back and sent a flicker of hurt flashing in the teens eyes.

"I don't want to Luffy, not today," Law mumbled, looking back down at his book. He couldn't look him in the eyes, not wanting to see anything he didn't like.

He didn't feel the teen move though. He felt him shift a little bit and rest his chin on his knee once more but no sign of getting up. As long as he's quiet though, why complain?

"Hey, Law?"


"Are you happy?"

It wasn't really something he expected Luffy to say, though usually what would leave his mouth was of the utmost random and bizarre. This question though threw him off as he looked up to meet the others eyes with an unreadable expression.

"Why do you ask? Do I not seem happy to you?" He asked, curious.

Luffy frowned, which in itself was a rare occurrence as the boy was usually a walking ray of sunshine with that grin of his. "Well, you've seemed down lately. I don't like it when you're unhappy."

Of course Luffy picked up on his different behaviour. Work has completely exhorted him, as well as dealing with social antics his friends and Luffy himself would drag him off to whenever he did get the chance to relax. It's been quite a stressful month.

Law smiled, ruffling his hand through the others fluffy hair; a gesture he did often when wanting to comfort or show to boy some form of love. He never told Luffy that it was his way of showing affection, but he really was smarter than he liked to let on a times and quickly figured it out.

"I'm rather well, how could I not be?" Law answered, seeing Luffy break out into a light hearted laugh, his smile almost radiating joy.

"You're right, you have a great life! You've got a job, a nice house, friends, me," Luffy listed, counting all the great things about his life on his fingers.

"Oh? Who says you're so important?" Law asked, a teasing undertone to his question which he couldn't tell if Luffy picked up on or not.

"I did, so shut up!" Luffy spoke up, still smiling. "Besides, you don't disagree!"

Law chuckled, looking back down at his book. He really couldn't deny it. Luffy was an important person in his life, and it made him happy to have someone like him to be with.

"No, I don't."

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