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A good word to describe Luffy, in the current moment, was that he was loud. Impossibly loud even. It made Law wonder if since his diaphragm was rubber that it allowed him to reach such loud levels of volume.

Standing along the edge of Punk Hazard's snowy side, the mass of people that had endured through the island and Caeser's trials were all partying as if nothing had happened. Singing, dancing, drinking, everyone seeming to have forgot that only tens of minutes ago they could've easily died.

Law currently was next to Luffy who was still going strong on yelling and singing. In the very short time that he made his alliance with the Straw Hats, he became more obvious as to why he shouldn't have.

"Torao! Sing with us!" Luffy encouraged over the group of still singing singers.

"No," he said simply, taking a sip of the teens ship cooks soup. He wasn't in a rather good mood currently, due to the fact that when he told the younger captain they may have enemy's coming after them that he decided to throw a banquet. Not that he'd sing if that didn't happen anyway.

"Awh, why not?" Luffy whined, stopping after he said that to scrunch up his nose. "Achoo!"

Law glanced over once again at Luffy who was now frowning and wiping his nose off on the sleeve of is jacket.

"That's disgusting," Law muttered, taking another sip of soup.

"Hey! It's not my fault I had to - achoo!"

"Turn away from me when you sneeze."

"Oh, sorry Torao!"


Law watched Punk Hazard fade as the Thousand Sunny set off to their next destination. It wasn't something he did often, watch an island disappear, since the fact that his ship was a submarine. He never really wanted to waste time descending just to watch an island disappear.

"Oh hey, Tora - achoo!"

Law didn't turn around to see the face he already knew was making his way over to him. He stayed silent until he caught a glimpse of Luffy now standing next to him.

"Straw Hat-ya, you look rather sickly," Law pointed out, looking over him. His face had a tinge of pink and he seemed to have, even if it was only slightly, less energy then usual.

"Mhm, yeah I don't feel good," he mumbled, leaning his chest on the edge of the ship with his arms dangling of the side. "I'm so cold, and Sanji won't make me meat either."

"Food isn't going to cure you," Law said, resting his chin in his hand. "You realize that right?"

"Well it'd cure my hunger!" He complained.

Law only continued to frowned. "You ate only a short while ago."

"Hey, you're a doctor!" Luffy said, ignoring Law's statement and grinned at him after a small sneeze. "You'd know what'd help!"

"Don't you have you're own doctor? That isn't any of my concern," Law grumbled, not wanting to deal with him right now.

"Chopper's busy, and we're friends now," Luffy said, grin still present as he let his head fall to rest against the edge so he ended up somehow looking up at Law more then before. "You should help me anyway!"

"It's rather simple really, you only have a minor cold," Law explained.

"Then help me - achoo!"

Law sighed, standing up straight and tried to ignore Luffy wiping his nose on his white and red striped jacket. "Just come on. I'll make it quick."


"All you need to do now is rest," Law finished instructing, sitting in Choppers chair and looking over at Luffy who was squirming on the small bed with no blankets. Law made him discard his striped jacket before hand due to the memory of him wiping his nose along the sleeve.

"But I'm not tired!" He complained, flipping over from one side to the other. "And wears my jacket? I'm cold still!"

Law's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He had only been around Luffy for about half an hour, but with the teens constant nagging and laughs and all-in-all stubbornness had made this seem to be much much longer.

"You're such a child sometimes," Law grumbled. "Just try to sleep."

"I am not!" He yelled back, facing him with an agitated expression and sitting up right. "You're just no fun!"

Law stood up without saying anything, taking off his thick coat along the short way and chucked it at Luffy, quickly turning back around and walking back to his chair.

He could he Luffy laugh lightly behind him, making Law look over once seated to see Luffy had put on his jacket. As expected of course. But Law found it rather amusing, enough to bring a faint smirk to his face, that Luffy's hands did not reaching the end of the sleeves and the bottom part of his face was currently being hidden by the extra material around the collar.

"It's so warm!" Luffy beamed. "Thanks Torao! You're so nice!"

"Just go to sleep," Law muttered, trying to sound threatening but only managing to come out as concerned sounding. He turned to look down at the papers scatter along Choppers desk while hearing grumbling coming from Luffy.

"Mhm, I still don't want to," Luffy grumbled. "I don't even feel-"

Curious as the what had miraculously managed to put that boy to sleep, Law glanced over to see Luffy had passed out mid-sentence and was now happily snoring with a small snot bubble.

Law sighed. He'd have to wash his jacket after this, burn it maybe. If that bubble popped, he would not be wearing it again. If he insisted, Law might even just let Luffy keep it. He had plenty more and couldn't help but deny in some way it was almost, cute. Luffy lost in the overwhelming fabric of his jacket.

Law frowned at the thought. What a strange word his brain choose to describe him. You don't call a guy cute, there was just something wrong with that. He couldn't think of a better word to describe Luffy in that state though. Maybe childish. That worked much better.

Solidarity {Law and Luffy One Shots} [Lawlu]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ