Interests {AU}

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Modern AU

This wasn't something Law was proud of, not at all. He didn't know what he'd do if his friends ever found out about this meet up, besides the obvious of deny everything. He knew that they wouldn't ever let him live it down.

Of course they'd be surprised. Law denied every offer they gave him about such a subject. So to find out Law had voluntarily gone on an online dating site and was currently on the way to meet up with someone would be beyond mind blowing.

Law didn't even know what came over him. He despised most people, trying to keep up a relationship or even friendship was nearly impossible for him. The only reason he had his friends was the fact that they were two things; stupid and stubborn as hell.

And as much as he wanted to deny it or ignore it, Law did feel lonely at times. It's human impulse to want company and to not be alone, he tells himself with every step he takes. He'll just see who this guy is and be done with it.

Law didn't believe that he'd ever be attracted to another guy, no. This guy had actually messaged him first, saying something so random and offsetting that Law immediately responded. From there on out they've been talking for a couple weeks, the other begging to finally meet.

Law accepted without so much of a second thought, the first message still prominent in his thoughts.

"Are you sad?"

Of course, Law wasn't sad. He didn't feel such emotion so easily. But it was such a strange question for someone to ask as a first impression that Law couldn't help but wonder who this guy was.

They agreed to meet up at Loguetown, a small but well known area, by the fountain in the centre of the town. It was easy to find and both said they could easily get there.

Sitting down on the edge of the structure, Law didn't see anyone around who could've possibly been who he was here to meet. No one stood close to the fountain and Law began to wonder if this had been some sort of prank all along. Some people had a sick sense of humour, though Law shouldn't be saying anything.

"Hey! Are you Traffy?"

Law glanced up from his feet to see a teenager - no, a kid - standing in front of him with a large smile, showcasing snow white teeth. He looked rather messy, dressed in old looking cut-off jean shorts and a yellow t-shirt with uneven pieces of hair sticking out from a worn out straw hat.

If Law wanted to be honest with himself, he'd admit the boy almost look cute. Of course, he has his dignity still intact.

"I'm assuming you're Luffy?" Law decided to ask instead, watching the boy laugh happily and plop down close next to him.

"Yep! Wow, you look old!" Luffy blurted, laughing at his own comment.

Law's brow twitched, staying calm for the moment. "I can't say the same for you. How old are you again? You can't be more then seventeen."

"Hey, I'm nineteen!" Luffy argued, though despite his statement he sported a pout on his lips that just screamed childish.

"Are you now?" Law murmured, not denying anything and he just watched the boy easily slip back into what Law was beginning to think was a trademark grim.

"Yeah! But Sabo always tells me I look younger than I am, so I forgive you!" Luffy exclaimed.

Law hummed in response, not really caring whoever Sabo was. "So why did you decide to message me few weeks ago?"

"Hm? Oh, well Nami always tells me people must be really lonely to ever go on dating sites. You were the first person to pop up on the site, so I wanted to see if she was lying," he explained, looking around the area they were at.

"So was she?"

Luffy tilted his head to look up at Law. "Are you lonely?"

Law scowled just hearing the question, resting his chin in his hand. "Of course not."

"Then she was lying," Luffy decided.

"What about other people?"

"Oh, I don't care. I was just interested in the first person, which was you!"

Law sighed. What a simple mind this kid had. It almost made Law's brain hurt just thinking of it.

"Whatever," Law muttered. "So what're you going to do now? Will you be leaving?"

"Huh? Why would I leave?" Luffy asked, clearly confused. "We're friends, right?"

Law didn't say anything in response, just continued to look down at his feet.

"Ah, well never mind, what do you like? You said you're a doctor a little while ago, is that true?"

Law nodded, looking over at his ecstatic companions face.

"Oh woah, that's so cool! That means you're like a hero or something, right?" Luffy asked.

"A hero?" Law murmured. "I've never once had the thought of being a hero in mind."

"But you save lives, right? That means you're a hero!" Luffy decided.

"I have my own reasons for my profession," Law said simply. "You seem to like heroes though. What, you want to be one or something?"

"No way!" Luffy stated immediately. "I like them but I wouldn't want to be one! Heroes share their food, I want it all for myself!"

Law stared at the boy for a minute before breaking into a low chuckle. "How selfish."


Law smiled. "What other things do you like?"

Luffy grinned. "Well I like food, especially meat, and I like Sabo, he's my older brother! Oh, and my friends, I'll introduce you to them later, and you!"

Law frowned. "Me?"

"Yeah! I like you!" Luffy repeated.

"Do you?" Law asked. "We've only known each other for a little while, and this is the first time we've met in person."

"So?" Luffy said, tilting his head. "None of that matters. I decided from when we first started talking that I liked you!"

"How," Law started, thinking on what the right word was.

This teenager was defiantly a strange person, one Law would never find himself initiating conversation with in any other case, but there was something about Luffy that was different. He liked different.

"Simple minded," Law decided on.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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