Gear Second

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"What's your crew like? I can't wait to meet them!"

Law glanced over at Luffy who was sitting next to him, legs crossed and leaning closer with anticipation for an answer. His hat was resting gentle atop his head.

"You won't be meeting them. After the factory is destroyed our alliance will be terminated," Law sighed, explaining for the hundredth time.

"Stop saying that!"

"Well it's the truth."

"Law!" Chopper called, interrupting the twos conversation and walked over with his head tilted down slightly. Once he reached Law, he looked up at him with an almost nervous aura about him.

"Tony-ya, how are my notes helping your research?" Law asked, remaining calm when Chopper began to fidget a bit.

"Uh, great! They, were great," Chopper started, not looking up at Law. "I'm really sorry Law, I accidentally spilt my drink on them and I tried everything to dry them and then they just tore and now they're ruined!" He rushed out. "I know those were important to you and I'm really sorry!"

Law didn't say anything, looking down at Chopper with his chin resting in his palm. He waited until Chopper looked up at him, confused, and patted his head.

"They're just notes Tony-ya, I will just write more," he reassured, sending a wave a happiness over the little reindeer.

"Torao, you're such a good person!" Luffy laughed, popping his head into their conversation. "Don't you think Chopper?"

Law glared over at Luffy until he heard Chopper respond. "Yeah! Sorry again though, I can write them for you if you want!"

"Do what you'd like," Law mumbled, watching Chopper happily bound off back to his room.

"You're really good at comforting Chopper," Luffy grinned, gaining Law's attention once again. "Try putting your hat on his head next time! That always works when I do it! I never mind letting my friends wear it!"

"How is that suppose to comfort someone?" Law said, trailing off a bit at the end. The more he thought on it, it made more sense. He knew the younger one never was without his hat, and that it was an obviously important item to him. That was something anyone could tell. It must've meant a lot for him to give it to someone else like that.

"What about your hat? It's pretty cool," Luffy said, reaching out for the hat only for his hand to be swatted away.

"Don't touch," he scolded, looking down at Luffy who looked disappointed. "I'd like to keep it on."

"Come on! Let me try it on!" Luffy whined, sprawling out in front of Law on the grassy deck.

Law ignored him, standing up and stepping over him to go off somewhere else. Anywhere else really. He tried to squint at the ground as the sun was harshly shining in his eyes now.

He couldn't really be bothered with whatever Luffy was now doing behind him now. He did hear him mutter something, though he never caught it. It couldn't be important.

As Law was almost to the closest door, he felt a force of wind come from behind him, dissipating after as if nothing was ever there.

Quickly whipping his head back to look where once was, he saw Luffy stand victoriously with his hat in his hands. His skin tinted with a purplish hue and a light steam rising from him.

How did he take his hat so quickly? He still felt like he had it on his head.

He brought his hands up to the top of his head and patted it, the feeling of worn down straw brushing against his fingers. Only now he realized that the sun wasn't blinding his vision anymore.

Luffy laughed, putting on Law's spotted hat with a big grin. "Yours is really soft! We're gonna switch for the day!"

"No we're not," Law almost seemed to growl, creating a room around the two but before he could make any other move, Luffy had disappeared only leaving behind a puff of smoke.

He frowned, the room he created dissipating. What was so special about his hat that made Luffy want to wear it? More importantly, why did he give him his hat?

Law grumbled, mumbling a few complaints about the situation but did nothing to try and go find the younger captain.

Walking back over to wear the two were sitting only minutes before, he plopped down once again and leaned back again the side of the ship. Tilting the straw hat down to hide his face, he relaxed a little and closed his eyes.

"I never mind letting my friends wear it!"

Law felt the sun's rays warm him up, a calming atmosphere in the air. Though Law would never admit it out loud, he didn't mind to much that Luffy currently had his hat. It was just another one of many things Luffy just had an impulse to do.

He'd get his hat back later, he knew that. So taking a little while to enjoy a change in head wear wasn't a bad thing. Maybe it was a bad thing though that Law couldn't stop thinking of the grin that spread across Luffy's face when he wore his hat. He fell asleep though before he could think to much on it.



Even when supper time came rolling around, Luffy still had refused to return Law's hat. So now he sat, sitting next to Luffy who was happily laughing along and surround by his crew who gave the two confused stares. Law now had the straw hat hanging around his neck as apposed to his head, unlike Luffy who hadn't taken his off all day.

"Luffy," Chopper spoke up from over his plate of food. "Why're you wearing Law's hat?"

The mini conversations around the table silenced at the question and listened. Law glanced over at him to notice he was smiling. Not a grin like he usually wore but a comforting smile.

"'Cause it looked cool on Torao, I wanted to try it on," he started. "And I wanted to see if he still looked as cool with my hat! He does, don't you think?" Luffy beamed, grabbed his hat hanging around Law's neck and placing it back on the older captains head.

Law felt the gazes of the crew shift over to him, to which he just shrugged to and continued eating. He didn't need to say anything to that. He also thought the younger one looked rather nice is his hat, but he didn't need to share that information with anyone.

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