12 | books and hugs

Start from the beginning

"Why are you reading that? You're already a know-it-all bookworm, no need to rub it all in by reading my stuff too," he frowned.

"You wrote things in here," she simply stated, her fingers lightly dragging against the pages to read his messy scrawls.

"Obviously. It's mine." He found himself pulling away from the sofa and sauntering over to where she was.

"But it's a book! You don't just write in books," she argued as he made his way to sit next to her. He nudged her leg to indicate he wanted to sit there and she responded by curling her legs into her chest. Draco grinned to himself as he climbed in next to her on the windowsill, placing a Gryffindor pillow over his crossed legs as he leaned his shoulders against hers.

"It's just a small potions book, big deal. There's plenty where that came from," he rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her next to him so there's no empty space in between. She easily complied and rested her head on his shoulder as she continued to flip through pages.

"I find it funny," she chuckled slightly and looked up at him for the first time since he came in. His grey eyes were already staring down at hers with such intensity that she almost shivered at the sight of it.

"Why?" He asked warily, the corners of his lips tilting into a deeper frown.

"You're a hypocrite. Calling me a bookworm know-it-all? You're one to talk, you're practically rewriting this whole book with your haughty corrections," she found herself giggling again and pointed at his annotations on the margins.

He shrugged and turned his head to press his soft lips against her temple, his spirits lifting at the sound of her small laughter. "The editors can't seem to do their job, might as well do it for them. The author's an idiot too. Her ingredients aren't exact."

"Mhmm," she answered doubtfully, nonetheless didn't argue with him and returned to focus on his potions book once more.

He tilted his head to rest against hers that was still laying on his shoulder. His eyes followed the finger she dragged across the page and listened to the small mutters of her reading the words aloud. With his arm snaked around her shoulders, his fingers tapped and stroke a pattern against her arm. She found comfort in that sensation.

You're always wanting to touch me whenever I'm around. It's not even sensual! You're just there in my personal space and I'm suddenly your personal teddy bear.

"Why are you reading my book?" He asked after a brief moment of comfortable silence. He still had his arm around her shoulders and her head against him, but he wanted more than that.

"You left it on the couch. I thought it was the school's book but apparently not," a meager smile lifted on her face, "Also I'm not that good at potions compared to you so might as well see what you read."

"What do you mean? You're still first in that class!" He exclaimed, bewildered.

"No I'm not, our marks are the same!" She stated in a factly tone he used to think was annoying. "Obviously I'm doing something wrong if I'm matching with you!"

He scoffed at her incredulously. "Frankly, I feel very offended right now. But sit over here anyway," he parted his legs for room for her to sit and patted the space vigorously.

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