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Both Sean and Kaycee decided to meet at Millenium L.A for Matt's class on Friday night since they had nothing else to do.

It was around 6:30 when Kaycee hopped out of the car and waved to her mom as she circled the lot searching for a spot to park. As she walked off toward the entrance she noticed Sean waiting for her at the door.

Sean: "hey stranger"

Kaycee looked up from her phone realizing he was standing there and giggled.

Kaycee: "hey, thanks for waiting"

Sean: "don't I always?"

Kaycee just laughed at the rhetorical question and walked past Sean inside, letting him follow closely behind.

Kaycee: "is Matt's class in studio A or C tonight?"

Sean: "umm...the paper on the front desk says C"

Kaycee: "probably why there's a long ass line"

Sean: "little kids all over, careful with your word choice"

She looked around to make sure no little ears were too close by to hear her profanity.

Kaycee: "you're right, sorry"

Sean: "just looking out for you"

Kaycee winked at him as they finally entered the room after waiting in the line, which didn't take much time honestly.

When they got in the room Matt greeted them with a hug before they both noticed that Bailey Sok was assisting him today.

She came running over as soon as she noticed them and hugged them both at the same time.

Bailey: "hey guys!!"

Sean: "hey Bai, you assisting tonight?"

Bailey: "yeah Matt called me this morning and said it was more of a partner type combo so he taught it to me earlier"

Sean: "sweet, right up our alley right kayc?"

She nodded with a smile

Bailey: "we'll talk after class Sean"

Sean: "sure"

He waved as she walked away and both him and kaycee threw their bags down against the wall.

Kaycee noticed something different in both of their body language when they talked, and the fact that Bailey barely acknowledged her was semi fishy as well.

But she didn't have much time to over analyze the situation before Matt was calling everyone out onto the floor to learn tonight's combo.

They were learning a hip hop partner combo to Classic by MKTO, and it was always easy for them to pick up.

As they split off and made a circle after learning the combo Kaycee saw Bailey whisper something into Matt's ear before then noticing the camera man walking into the studio. This was always her favorite time.

She loved when all eyes were on her, but she especially loved when it was both her and Sean together. Their chemistry was unmatched.

Just as Matt called Sean's name out onto the floor she started to move too, expecting hers to be next but it wasn't...he called Baileys name.

Her heart sunk for a second. This never happened. Ever. Kaycee looked at Matt with a look on her face that basically screamed 'wtf' and he just shrugged his shoulders and corrected his attention to Bailey and Sean.

The entire time they danced he was flirting with her, and normally that didn't bother kaycee. She didn't really have feelings for Sean, but she also knew she didn't wanna lose her best friend.

He always flirted with kaycee when they did combos together, especially when they were recorded...but she's never seen him do it with another girl.

The uneasy feeling in her stomach the entire rest of the night wouldn't go away.

After class was over Matt pulled kaycee aside.

Matt: "why didn't you wanna do the combo for the camera?"

Kaycee: "not in the mood today I guess"

Matt: "you're always in the mood kayc, this is your thing"

Kaycee: "I know...I guess I just felt uneasy"

Matt: "it happens to all of us kid, go home and get some sleep"

Kaycee: "thanks for the class Matt, amazing as always"

Matt: "you're welcome hun"

She went to retrieve her things and noticed Sean and Bailey standing there talking...and laughing. She convinced herself that it was nothing and that she was just overthinking it all so she could grab her stuff and go.

As she did, she walked straight out the door, not saying bye to anyone or anything. She carried herself all the way out to the car and both her and her mom sat in silence the entire way home.

Kaycee: "I'm gonna go take a shower mom"

Laura: "wait kayc"

Kaycee turned around as her mom shut the car door

Laura: "is everything okay?"

Kaycee just shrugged her shoulders as her eyes filled with tears

Laura: "come talk to me baby"

She immediately started crying as her mom engulfed her in a hug.

Laura: "how about this...go get a shower and do whatever you need and I'm right here when you're ready to talk okay?"

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath nodding at her mom as she made her way inside to shower and get ready for bed.

When she happened to get out of the shower her phone was blown up with texts from Sean.

Sean: hey
Sean: kayc?
Sean: good class am i right?!
Sean: you good?
Sean: hello?
Sean: kaycee ur starting to worry me
Sean: you left without even telling me
Sean: if you don't answer me im calling
Sean: kaycee please
Sean: are u mad?
Sean: talk to me.

She shook her head as she read through all 11 of the messages he spammed her with, and right as she got done her phone rang.

It was Sean FaceTiming her.

She hung up because one, she didn't want to talk to him right now and two, she had just gotten out of the shower.

Kaycee: "was showering."

Her text was short and simple, but as soon as it came through to him he knew there was something wrong. She didn't even send a full sentence.

mine? (seaycee)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin