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Caroline's POV
    I woke up, and put on my blue dress, with my blue heels. I then started packing all of my stuff. I put everything in my suitcase, and grabbed it, and walked downstairs. When I finished locking up my house, Stefan Salvatore was leaning against my blue Jaguar. Stefan and I have been best friends since elementary school. I put my suitcase in the trunk and said, " What do you want, Stef? You are not going to talk me out of my decision."

     He said, " I'm not going to. We all know you need to get out of this town. You lost both your parents, here. Plus Tyler broke up with you, last month."

     I crossed my arms, and said, " What are you here for then?"

   He said, " I came to say goodbye, and same with her."

    I was confused. I turned around and there stood my best friend, Katerina Petrova. We have been friends, since we were kids. She walked over to me, and hugged me. Stefan then joined in on the hug. We pulled away, and Stefan said, " I am going to miss you, care."

      Kat said, " I am going to miss you the most. Make sure to tell Rebekah I said hi, Care Bear."

     I said, " I will. I can't believe I am actually going to meet her, in person for the first time. I am going to miss you guys. You should visit."

      They nodded, and I got in my car, and waved at them. I then drove down the street, and on my way to New Orleans. I was finally saying goodbye to the town I grew up in, but I had so much heart break there. My dad died when I was 5, and my mother died a year ago. Then on top of that Tyler, broke up with me a month ago. I was just tired and wanted a new start.

    Rebekah Mikaelson, is my pen pal, since we were both 15. The Mystic Falls High school, and the New Orleans High School figured it would give their students a way to have friends from miles away. Rebekah and I got paired with each other, and have been friends since. We write each other every week, telling each other what happens and about ourselves.

       Rebekah has been wanting me to visit New Orleans, for two years. We also started video chatting, but this is the first time we are going to see each other in person. I couldn't wait till I get to New Orleans. I decided to go to Move to New Orleans, and Rebekah invited me to stay with her family.

     Rebekah is the youngest sister of 7. She had a little brother but he died about 8 years ago. Rebekah was Ten. She wouldn't tell me details, but I could tell she loved him. She has one older sister, and 4 older brothers. They are Freya, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol. Her parents are Esther, and Mikael Mikaelson. They live somewhere in the French Quarter. Rebekah also has a friend in New Orleans, Davina Claire.

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