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Jones hated this part of the job, but as commander of the Alien and Supernatural Investigation Team, it fell on her shoulders to make the call. She placed the last of Annabel's belongings into a box and sealed it.

"She's not dead, Mom," Shafira protested. "It's only been a couple of months since the mission, we have to keep looking for her."

With a regret-filled sigh, Jones replied, "I'm sorry, Honey. Every lead turned out to be a dead end. I don't know where else to look. Have you thought of anything your abductor said? A hint to who he was working with? The identity of the host for the fourth symbian? Anything?"

Shafira shook her head. "I want to go back to the house and look around."

"The team have been over that place with a fine-toothed comb. There's nothing there."

"Maybe I'll remember something if I see the house again. Please, Mom?" Shafira begged. "At least let me try!"

Despite Shafira's insistence on going alone, Jones followed at a distance, relying on the signal of the tracking device to pinpoint her daughter's distance ahead. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't feel so concerned about Shafira going out alone, she could handle herself. What troubled Jones this time, was the return of Shafira's nightmare and subsequent belief that a major conflict was on the horizon. Added to that, her urgency to find Annabel peaked around the same time, leading Jones to believe the two were connected.

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