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It's a torture chamber, Annabel thought with distress, following Allan into the basement.

Behind a young girl, who hung from the ceiling by chains attached to her wrists, a woman lay face-down across a hostess trolley, her legs dangling off the end. Two red-streaked tubes protruded from the middle of her back, syphoning energy-giving adrenalin into a jug resting on the shelf below. Annabel looked up with the sound of a motor engaging above the girl's head. The girl rotated 180⁰ to face her mother and started whimpering again. A globule of red trickled down through the tube.

The intoxicating scent almost overwhelmed Annabel. With every day that passed since the accident in the lab, control became more difficult. The Beast was becoming less patient, demanding more from her, sometimes making her do things she didn't want to do; like killing Agent Brown.

But he tasted so good! Beast protested, awakened by the aroma of an easy meal. Take it. We'll feel better after you feed, you know we will.

She fought against the inner voice urging her to take what she wanted.

As if hearing the battle raging inside her head, Allan reached below the cart and emptied the jug contents into the beaker.

Beast won the battle.

"Teach me everything you know," Beast said through Annabel's lips.

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