"I see, you really want me right now so who am I to deny you". He smiles darkly walking forward in confidence until he sees the gun in my hold. His smile immediately falters as he starts cowering in fear.

"W-what d-do you want. I have money, my phone anything you want I will give you". Who's smirking now asshole

"It's such a shame you don't remember me. The girl you raped just yesterday. The girl you destroyed completely".

He looks at me in shock eyes wide. Ohh I can imagine. The innocent virgin that was played and got raped turns out to have the gun.

I laugh hysterically," who do you think I am? A weak girl that will kill herself from heartbreak?!! Well surprise, surprise!! Am not. I am a broken girl that has decided to not fall because I have been cheated on, played and raped. This is my revenge!

Ever wondered how Rachel died or how Elaisa got burnt by acid or how in a few minutes the whole prom participants are gonna burn down in flames or even the most lovely one yet how you are gonna die in the hands of the girl he raped".

"Look Anna, I know I did wrong and am sorry, if you want I will submit myself to the police just please don't do anything to put yourself in trouble". He says fidgeting. All I can do is laugh at how pathetic the son of a bitch looks. Well sorry for him I don't have the time to wait for the Law to visit him, I already know what I am supposed to do,afterall it's what I came for.

I point the gun to his head satisfied at the panic look he had on his face. I just wish I could give him a slow painful death but no time. I know that after today a lot of people might suspect me so I have to do this quietly and quickly. I steady myself about to shoot him but I hear a voice from a little bit far off. I think i know that voice.

Shit!!! Drew.

What the fuck is he doing here. He is supposed to be in the fire along with all his girlfriends. Shit!! Double shit!!! He can't see me. He just can't, but I can't leave her without putting a bullet in fucking James. But he is coming, I think I should take my chance afterall it's not like he will recognise me.

I know at this point, if my life was a damned netflix movie everything will be going in slow motion; the part where I shoot James and at the same time Drew comes at me with full force but somehow misses me and falls and i run away safely Well it is not a fucking movie. This is real life and now am running for my life from Drew and damn that guy can run but lucky for me, all my life I trained for this. I never knew my dad forcing me to do morning runs with him could help me later in life. Well I guess it paid of pretty damn well as I run into the car and speed off.

I need to leave now and I have to get this hair off my head even if it means cutting it.

I know I did not get you now Drew, but God so help you that I dont come back for you because when I do you won't escape my fire.


Drew's pov.

I have been thinking about what Anna said. What did she mean. I said am sorry and now I don't know what else to do for her to forgive me. Today is prom and all I am doing is sitting here in my library brooding. And for the first time in my life I rejected every girl who asked me to be her date to the prom. I mean I am doing everything for her, what more does she want?

I sit there in the library brooding not even realising when my younger sister Hayley comes in.

"Drewy,!!" She says screaming my name.

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