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Rachel's pov

Let's say, about ten years ago,

I knew I was the cause of Rachel's misery. Yeah Drew was the master mind, but if I had warned her then I'd have saved her so much trouble. Now no matter how miserable she's making me feel I still love her and I hate Drew more. If I hadn't rejected his stupid friend then, she'd still be happy.

I actually thought one day she'd forgive me and we'd come together to make Drew and his team pay. She hasn't even talked to me since that day. I wish she wasn't my friend,maybe then, she'd still be pure.

I remember when we were still innocent. We used to play all the time,switching places between her house and mine. Even then she was so naive,and very shy. The only person she really used to talk to at school was me. She always told me that she felt like nobody liked her. She just didn't see how everyone admired her innocence. Everyone wanted to be as neat, beautiful and kind as she was. I'd admit that I felt a little bit jealous of her, but I still loved and cherished her.

One time, when a group of idiots at school were harassing her. I almost beat them black and blue and I promised her that I'd never let her get hurt, ever. I guess I failed .

Another time, she was crying because Elizabeth, a girl in our grade then asked Daniel, another boy in our grade(that she liked) out to her tea party when Anna wanted to do it first. I threatened Elizabeth and made her cancel her request to Daniel just so Anna would be happy. I feel so worthless now that I can't do anything for her at a time when she needs me more than ever.

I'd admit that I have a crazy side. A little part of me that loved blood and death. That part was the lonely side of me. After all, my parents were almost never around due to work. But being with Anna ripped that part out of me slowly but surely. She brought so much happiness into my life. Though we were the same age, she was like a little sister to me. One I really cared about.

Now that I see her in pain and away from me. I feel so hungry for blood that I could kill Drew and everything he has emotional connection with.

He destroyed her innocence and turned her to a monster.


All the things I could do to Drew as revenge runs through my mind as I watch Anna spike my drink. I am surprised and horrified to see my best friend doing something this horrible and I know it's crazy but I still don't hate her. Instead what fills my heart is pity for her and hatred towards Drew. See how he has ruined her life.

I am not surprised she has made me her first victim of revenge. I was the one who promised protection but I failed. I cheated her and I hate myself. The urge to hurt myself is great but I can't because I am thirsty for blood . Drew's blood.

I quickly run up to my bathroom. I have a special drugs I used to use on my parents to get my way most times. I told you. I am wild.

This drugs allows my heart rate to slow down so drastically that if a person isn't medically experienced, then they'd think you are dead. It's effects last for and hour max if I take two pills. If I take more, it could lead to brain damage or death. I take them and wait for Anna to come.

When she hands me her drink, I pretend like I know nothing and ask her if she could quickly go get buscuits. Before she gets back, I run into the bathroom and pour the orange drink into the sink.

I am already feeling the effects of the drugs, as I stagger but manage to drag myself painfully into the room. I drop the cup on the floor and lay down making it look like the poison had already taken effect. By that time, Anna had come back and just before I lost consciousness, I vowed to take avenge her. To destroy everyone who turned her into the monster she had become.


Present day.

I feel a sense of satisfaction as I watch Drew lifeless on the ground. What doesn't give me full satisfaction is, watching a very pregnant Anna cry for him. Can't she see I did it for her.

For years, I was dead just so I can come and avenge her pain. For years, I was the shadow just for me to get enough power to release her from his shackles. Now she is crying for her.

I'd be honest, killing her little baby was a big mistake on that bastard Louis' part. He was so hungry to get her that he lost his fucking mind. I don't regret seeing Drew's dead bloody body. It was a joy for me to see him scream until he couldn't any longer.

And now as I am being taken by the police, I make eye contact with Anna and what I see in her eyes scar me for life.

Pain, helplessness. She has the look of a woman that has lost everything and is just empty.

Even now, after the court trial, after I have been sentenced to 50 years in prison with no parole. Her empty eyes haunt me. They hunt my dreams. I can't eat without imagining her tears, her emptiness. The little bundle in her belly and the little child that played there bloody and dead

Is this what I wanted? Is this My Revenge?


Hey guys!!!!!!!

Yes babiessss it's a fucking wrap. I have finally completed my revenge!!!

I think I wanna pop some Pepsi bottles.
I am so happy. Thanks a lot for supporting. Calm down,I am not gonna write my full acknowledgement here. Y'all deserve more than that!!!!

Ok so the epilogue will be rolling in soon, then the synopsis for my next short story book.

Love y'all so very much!!!


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