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    When the kiss broke neither were filled with that same dreadful notion that it would be for the last time. They both watched each other carefully, their different colored eyes meeting, staring intensely at each other. Juniper could still see the slight bit of fear in his eyes, the fear that screamed he didn't want to hurt her and she suddenly felt as if she had to prove to him he wouldn't. Her ambitious side was taking over, wanting to show Draco that he too could be happy with someone.
    "I don't want to leave here." Juniper whispered as they both faced the railing again, looking up at the stars and moon.
    "We don't have to." Draco said back to her, his eyes fixated on the constellations above. "Do you actually know what you're looking at?" He asked her, Draco was clueless, while he enjoyed stars he'd never been given the opportunity to know what they were. 
    "Yeah, it's one of my little talents I guess." Juniper nodded her head. "Come here, you'll see them better this way." She said as she grabbed his hand lightly, pulling him to sit down next to her so they could lay back. Draco, however noticed the breeze was getting to her and took off his sweater that was over his white buttoned shirt.
    "Here, I don't want you freezing." Draco said as he held the sweater to her. Juniper took it slowly, feeling slightly bad as he didn't want him to be cold, but she knew not to argue about this, he was trying to be good and she wouldn't take that away from him. She slid the sweater on, the scent of his cologne filled her senses, the sweet smell of mahogany, bergamot, and chocolate again which only made her wonder what he used as body wash.
    "Thank you." She said quietly as she cupped the oversized sleeves in her hands, she laid back and Draco followed. "Okay, so that one is Hercules, you can tell it's him because of the little square like shape in the center." Juniper began pointing to the sky.
    "I know that one a bit over from when you pointed it out the first time we were here." Draco said pointing up at the sky to a constellation a little to the left of Hercules, he was pointing to the Draco constellation. Juniper giggled a bit and nodded her head.
    "Yes, when I drunkenly pointed out that it was you in the sky." She remembered with her laugh still there, Draco joining in to laugh with her. "There's Orion, you can always find him because of his belt." Juniper said as she pointed to another group of stars.
    "The reddish star right there is actually Mars right?" Draco asked as he moved her hand to point at the star he was seeing.
    "Yes, that's Mars. Over there should be Saturn because that big one is Jupiter, they're by each other a lot." Juniper said. "That's the Andromeda Galaxy." Juniper pointed to the left of them.
    "Galaxy? We can see another galaxy?" Draco seemed incredibly intrigued now.
    "Yes, pretty cool isn't it?" Juniper nodded her head. Draco nodded his own head, finding the entire thing fascinating. "There's Lyra, she's a harp-like constellation." Juniper pointed again.
    "That one's pretty, I like that one." Draco smiled.
    "You've never done this before? Stargazing?" She asked him as she leaned onto her side, propping herself on her arm as she looked down at him. His eyes were still fixated on the sky, she liked that he actually appreciated it, that he wasn't just looking to amuse her.
"No, a couple times I'd look but never really knew what I was looking at. My family isn't really for appreciating the beauty in the world, my father tried to instill it in me at a young age that seeing the world that way was weakness." Draco told her, his eyes looked to hers to see her reaction. As he expected there was a look on her face that screamed, "your father's an idiot," which made him chuckle. "I know he's wrong." Draco said.
"He's very wrong." Juniper nodded as she let out a giggle. "There's nothing weak about seeing the world for the beauty of it." She said. Draco turned to look at her, now propping himself up on his arm so they were relatively at the same level.
"Don't you think it's interesting that we've gone to school together for six years and never had an actual conversation except for the Yule Ball?" Draco asked her. She remembered that night nearly instantly, making her laugh a bit at how clear it was but she forgot it so easily before.
    "God, the Yule Ball, it seems so long ago." Juniper said as she reminisced. She remembered how she went with Blaise Zabini and halfway through, he had disappeared and left her alone, everyone was dancing and there she was, sitting with Blair at a table attempting to get drunk so the night would be a bit more bearable. She remembered how pissed she was that she couldn't find Blaise, but then in her drunken state a boy came up to her and grabbed her hand and said, "dance with me," to which she didn't hesitate to agree. She remembered that she felt so strange dancing with Draco Malfoy, but how much fun she had as the music boomed around them while they danced together. The alcohol in her system suppressed part of that memory, most of what she remembered was being so pissed with Blaise for leaving her that she forgot how much she enjoyed herself, and now she was no longer pissed but grateful.
    "I remember you sitting there so obviously drinking alcohol, you and Blair were probably the only ones not dancing." Draco laughed as he reminisced.
    "We weren't the only ones! Potter and Weasley weren't dancing either!" Juniper laughed as she defended herself.
    "That makes it even worse!" Draco was cracking up now, but his laughter suppressed quickly. "You looked so beautiful that night in your silver dress, I barely even remember asking you how to dance. One minute I saw you and the next we were together." Draco said as he remembered how much of a blur that night was, surprised with himself that he actually asked her to dance with him.
    "I was so angry with Blaise for leaving that I think I practically jumped at the opportunity to dance with you, it's such a blur I was so drunk." Juniper laughed as she put her hand to her forehead. "How is it that the Yule Ball was one of our only conversations with each other?" She pondered.
    "And it wasn't even much of a conversation, we danced for like two hours and barely said a word." Draco pointed out. "It was fun though. I think I'd relive Fourth Year for that moment." He told her.
    "We could relive it this year, they're doing that Christmas Ball or whatever it is." Juniper pointed out, making Draco nod in agreement.
    "I forgot they're hosting that for the sixth and seventh years." Draco said. "Are you going to wear silver again?" He asked her, a rather excited look was in his eyes that made her giggle, but she shook her head. He sighed and laid back down again.
    "As if I'd tell you what I'm wearing." Juniper teased him, making him scoff. "Maybe you'll be lucky to know the color." She said as she leaned down to place her head against his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her instantly. They laid there for a while, the breeze was a bit cold even though she had his sweater on.
    "We should get back to the common room, we might be Prefects but Filch would jump at the opportunity to hang us by our thumbs if he saw us out of bed too late." Draco said as they sat up. He pulled her off the ground with him so they could leave the astronomy tower.
    "Hang us by our thumbs?" Juniper questioned the strange remark. Draco chuckled as he nodded.
    "During my first year when I got detention with Potter, Weasley, and Granger, Filch was walking us to the Forbidden Forest to meet Hagrid and he mentioned how they used to hang students by their thumbs as punishment." Draco said quietly in her ear to freak her out a bit.
    "That's so...terrifying and brutal." Juniper said as she giggled a bit while they left the tower. They were quiet on their way back to the Slytherin common room, both of them silently praying they wouldn't run into Filch or Mrs. Norris on the way there. They got there safely though, no one caught them. The common room only had a few students who were still awake and hanging out by the fireplace.
    "Come back to my dormitory with me." He said quietly in her ear, his fingers still intertwined with hers and he pulled her over toward his dormitory. Juniper willingly followed him, quite happy he suggested it as she wasn't ready to part with him yet. He opened the door to his dormitory, the small lamp on his desk was the only thing illuminating the room. Juniper noticed it was rather extremely clean, something that surprised her as most boys dormitories weren't the greatest, but Draco's had no dirty clothes scattered, no mess, no weird smell. She went over and sat on the bed that was somewhat made, the covers were just pulled back, but they weren't tucked.
    "Your room is so...clean." Juniper remarked as she looked around. Draco chuckled as he unbuttoned his white shirt.
    "Were you expecting it to be messy?" He asked her. She shook her head.
    "Strangely no, for other guys maybe, but I kind of guessed you'd have a nice room." She shrugged as she slipped off his sweater so she could take off her buttoned shirt. She was going to slide the sweater back on but felt Draco's hands stop her, causing a smirk to appear on her face.
    "I like it better off." Draco whispered before connecting their lips. Nothing more happened though, the kissing lasted for a couple minutes as he sat on the bed, pulling her closer, but both were already tired and when the kiss broke, they were just laying there with each other.
    "It's a good thing you're warm or else I'd put the sweater back on." Juniper said as her body was pressed against Draco's, their skin pressed against each other's felt warm and comforting. "You're probably not getting that sweater back for a while."
    "I knew that when I let you wear it." He chuckled. They barely spoke anymore as he picked up his wand on the night table next to him, pointing it at the lamp and muttering a spell to turn off the light. They both laid closely as the bed was nearly too small for the both of them, falling asleep was easy that night for both Juniper and Draco.

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