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    Juniper woke that Saturday morning after the party with a head splitting hangover, her eyes immediately darting away from the bright sun that shined through the windows. Groaning, she turned over in her bed, holding her head in her hands, trying to rub away the terrible headache.
    The door to her dormitory opened softly, a head poking in, Blair smiling blissfully over at her. Juniper groaned again, causing Blair to laugh a bit.
    "I see someone's got themselves a hangover." She remarked as she watched her friend sit up and place her head in her hands again. "How much did you drink last night?" Blair asked her.
    "Too much." Juniper said, even talking hurt. She looked up at Blair, who's eyes went wider than an owls as she stared down Juniper's neck and collarbone, looking at all the bruises. "What?" Juniper asked her.
    "Merlin's beard, Juniper, what'd you do last night when you left that party?" Blair asked as she examined the multitude of hickeys. Suddenly all the memories came crashing down on her like a pile of bricks. She remembered everything: dancing with Draco, leaving with Draco, making him go up to the astronomy tower with her, kissing him, and nearly having sex with him. The memories included how she felt during it all, the excitement and happiness her drunken nature had given her, how peaceful she felt kissing Draco Malfoy, and how a part of her longed for him to be kissing her like that again.
    "Oh God..." Juniper whispered. "Oh God!" She said placing her head in her hands again. "Blair...I made out with Draco Malfoy last night. He gave me these!" Juniper hissed at Blair, trying to keep her voice low even though no one could hear them.
    "You shagged Malfoy!" Blair put her hands over her mouth in shock, causing Juniper to shake her head quickly.
    "No! I stopped everything before we got to that. One minute we were snogging, the next his mouth was leaving marks on my breasts, and then I looked at him shirtless and felt myself stop everything." She groaned. "Oh my God, I led him on! What the fuck is wrong with me?" Juniper was freaking out even though she distinctively remembered Draco telling her repeatedly that saying no to him was alright, but she couldn't help but feel bad as she remembered feeling his erection pressing against her while they snogged, knowing she left him entirely unsatisfied and probably annoyed with her.
    She was entirely wrong though, while yes, unsatisfied he was, Draco had gone to bed longing for one thing more than anything and that was simply to just be alone with her. He didn't care that they didn't have sex nor that she stopped him, in fact he quite liked that she wasn't afraid to speak up. He wanted so badly to tell her that he wanted her like that, alone on the astronomy tower, laying on his lap while looking at the stars. He knew that realistically, she probably didn't feel the same way.
    "You need to calm down, it's fine to say no. Go take a bath and clean up, you smell like rum." Blair told her as she pulled her up. Juniper left the Slytherin common room quietly, sneaking her way to the Prefect's bathroom where she was alone for a while with her thoughts. Her hangover persisted the entirety of her bath, although the hot water felt nice against her head as she float in the pool of water, but more than anything she longed for her bed. She got out, not bothering to dry her hair, only putting on comfortable loose shorts and a baggy t-shirt.
    When she got back to the Slytherin common room, she was quite pleased with herself that she managed to get back into her dormitory without so much as seeing anyone or anyone seeing her. Most students were out enjoying their day, but Juniper sat inside all day, watching the Black Lake from her window and occasionally staring at the ceiling until sleep would take over for a while. Her naps were no more than twenty minutes at a time, the pounding headache still loomed in her head, forbidding her to sleep it off.
    As she slept for a bit, she had barely realized that someone was at her door, knocking gently to enter. Her mind was foggy as half her body was asleep and the other half too hungover to think, so she said nothing, half expecting whoever was there to go away, but instead the door opened and white-blonde hair flooded her vision.
    "You look as if a goblin's just slapped you across the face." She heard Draco's voice fill her room, causing her to laugh and then wince in pain as the laughter made her head hurt more. "You should really have those curtains closed, lights not good for hangovers." He said as he made his way over to the window, shutting the curtains so the room was now dark except for the bits of sunlight that tried to poke through.
    "Coming to see if I still remember snogging you?" Juniper didn't hesitate to bring up the conversation again. Draco seemed a bit stunned, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry again, not for stopping you, but for letting it happen." Her words made his heart sink a bit, a feeling he was quite used to.
    "Oh." His word was extremely quiet, hoping she barely heard it or didn't hear it at all to refrain from making her feel guilty.
    "I shouldn't have kissed you, it was wrong." Juniper continued.
    "It didn't feel wrong." Draco said to her while crossing his arms over his chest, she rolled her tired eyes a bit, part of him liked the look of her tired eyes. That same part of him so badly wanted to walk over and just hold her in his arms until she fell asleep against him.
    "Does it ever feel wrong for you?" Juniper's words were a bit harsh, he knew she still thought of him as the guy who fucked anything breathing, but that wasn't the case at all. It was two girls, that was it. Two girls who practically threw themselves at him, how could he say no when he had no one he actually wanted to be with? After all, he was a teenager and felt that if he wasn't committed to someone, it was alright to indulge once or twice.
    "Yes actually." Draco said blankly back to her, annoyed that this seemingly beautifully innocent girl before him thought of him so poorly. "Do you think I wanted to be snogging and shagging Pansy Parkinson or Yasmine Dane?" He asked her.
    "Do you really want me to answer that?" Juniper asked him, giving him a smirk. Her words pissed him off, did you want me to answer that? What the bloody hell is that supposed to even mean? Draco knew her mind wouldn't change no matter what he said, but he continued to speak anyway.
    "They threw themselves at me, how am I supposed to feel when two girls are tossing themselves at me? I let myself indulge with Pansy and then stupidly did so with Yasmine, and believe me when I say the entire act itself felt wrong with them." The room was silent now after his little outburst explanation. Draco and Juniper looked at each other for a moment, unsure of what to say. "Believe me when I tell you that the only person I'd like to snog is you." Draco said, his face was close to Juniper's as he spoke, but his eyes were angry. She knew he was angry with her for not believing him, but he didn't blame her for the distrust.
    "I —" Juniper opened her mouth to speak, but Draco cut her off.
    "I'll be back later to check on you, kind of my job as prefect. I'll take rounds tonight." He said standing straight again, heading toward the dormitory door to leave.
    "Draco..." Her words were quiet, she felt bad for consistently accusing him of things that obviously weren't true now.
    "I don't want to talk about it, Juniper." His words were sharper than a knife, even if he didn't go around screwing girls, one thing for certain is that he was still a complete arrogant asshole.
Juniper was left alone now in the room with the curtains closed, blocking most of the sunlight, and now her head hurt even more. She felt slightly bad for being so harsh, but continuously tried to tell herself that she was right, it was wrong to kiss Draco. Draco left her room, wanting so badly to slam the door behind him, but refrained from doing so as he knew it would scare her. He felt as if his blood was boiling from the interaction he just had with Juniper. Most of all he hated what she was doing to his head.
Why on Earth could he not stop thinking about her? Was it because they kissed? Because they almost had sex? The persistent thoughts of her cold hands tangling themselves against his neck made him shiver, the thought of her warm lips against his collarbone made him want to go back in her room and kiss her until she finally realized it was only her that he longed for. Not anyone Pansy, not Yasmine, not anyone but Juniper Hartley.

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