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3rd person POV
"What ?!" All three originals exclaimed.

"It's not Klaus' kid," Hayley states again with an exaggerated sigh.

Caroline scoffs all heads snap to her. She says "That's not even the best part. Just wait until you hear who's kid it is."

"Who's child is it Hayley," Elijah says with a frown.

"Tyler." The she-wolf breathes out

Rebekah chuckles under her breath, "Of course it is."

"Wow. How could we be so oblivious," Elijah says more to himself.

"How long have you know?" Rebekah ask a frozen Klaus' unspoken question.

"Since the beginning." Hayley says look at her feet.

"And your just now telling Tyler?" Caroline asks


"Why did you lie?" Klaus finally speaks up tearing Hayley apart with his eyes.

"The witches made me. I swear I didn't want to. They just knew it was a hybrids child. So they just assumed it was yours. I told them but they wouldn't let me tell you and if I did they would kill me or my baby.," Haley says whispering the last part.

"But why?" Klaus ask again losing his patience.

"For leverage so you would help them with Marcel." She states as if it was obvious.

"Of course. Those bloody witches. Always scheming!" Rebekah yells

"Who is Marcel." Caroline ask after silently watching the scene before her.

"One of our many enemies." Elijah answers Caroline's question after no one says anything.

Caroline let's out a small chuckle before asking "Who isn't your enemy?"

"That list is very short, love." Klaus says before walking to the indoor bar of the mansion.

"Were-slut you have five seconds to leave and never show your face around here again, because the only reason you are still breathing is because we don't kill children." Rebekah says in a calm but dangerous voice.

Hayley scrambles over her feet to the door before leaving. Caroline sighs and walks towards the bar with Rebekah behind. She pours two glasses of bourbon and hands the other to Rebekah,who nods her thanks. Caroline sits in the arm chair in-front of Klaus who was staring intensely at the floor, and Rebekah who sits on the other side of her brother on the love seat with a sigh. Shortly after Elijah comes and join them sitting on a couch beside Caroline.

They sit like that for about five minutes before Rebekah breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"Not that I care or anything, but how are you holding up Caroline."

Caroline let's out a small laugh shaking her head. She looks at Rebekah with a sad smile, "I should be asking you all that."

"I'm ok. I mean yea I was excited but I should've known she was lying from the starts. Now stop deflecting." Rebekah says giving Caroline a knowing look.

Caroline's POV:

I sigh. "Fine. I just found out my boyfriend has been screwing a we're-slut while I waited for him for 3 months!" I say on the verge of tears but quickly push them away and continue my rant, "AND... got her pregnant!" I drag out shaking my head, "All my friends are wrapped up in there on worlds. Elena has been in her own person bubble with Damon Salvatore of all people. Not bothering to consider what's going on around them. While Bonnie doesn't bother to answer her phone while she "travels the world" and sends postcards, but doesn't answer her phone. But she answers Jeremy. To hell with rest of us! And Stefan," *sigh* "No one has seen him or Bonnie since graduation. He went to go drop Silas in the falls and then he just went M.I.A! And that's not like him no matter how sad or upset he is with Elena or Damon he would still call me to let me know he's ok. Im really worried. I got a witch to do a locator spell on him and Bonnie and she couldn't find them she said they were either cloaked or..." I choked back a sob as tears start spilling down my face as I look at my feet not wanting the originals to see me so vulnerable. "Dead." I finally built up the courage to say.

At this point all eyes were on me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and wipe my face and look back up to the sympathetic looks I was trying to avoid.

"What?!" Rebekah shouts abruptly making us all jump and look at her, "Stefan has just been missing all summer and your so called friends have just been sitting doing nothing."

"I told them and they just shrug it off, look the other way and tell me I'm worrying over nothing but I have a gut feeling that something isn't right." I tell them

"We'll help you find them." Klaus says.

I look over at him with hope filled eyes. "Really?"

"Yes." He and Rebekah say while Elijah just nods.

I jump off my seat, run over to them and give them a big hug. They just stiffen under my hold. I laugh.

"Ugh...seriously! It's called a hug." I state the obvious still hugging them as they slowly return the embrace, while Klaus holds a little tighter than Rebekah. Which I don't mind. I slowly let go and ignore the way Klaus' slightly face fell.

"Well...I should get a hotel or something if I'm going to stay in New Orleans for a while." I say and start walking towards the door but stop when Klaus' voice cuts threw the air.

"Nonsense love, you can stay here."

"No, that's to much to ask of you." I say continuing my strut towards the door.

"No it's ok. Really. Plus it would be good to have another girl around here that isn't a walking dog." Rebekah says with a smile.

I laugh and turn around, "Fine. But I still have to go shopping because I ran a the way here."

Rebekahs face lights up with a huge smile. "I can help with that."

I smile and turn to Klaus who was smirking at me the whole time. I roll my eyes at him and say "Thank you. You really don't have to help if you don't want to."

"No it's ok. Stefan was once like a brother to me and Bonnie is your friend it's the least I could do." He says with a small shrug.

I beam and jump in his arms once again, he hugs back this time. I don't know why but I love being in his arms. I pull away we just stare at each other for a few seconds before Rebekah says,

3rd person POV:

"Please go have eye-sex somewhere else." As she pulls a disgusted face but can't help but smile at the two.

Caroline quickly pulls away, much to Klaus' dismay, and glares at Rebekah who just laughs.

"Well... where's my room!" Caroline says beaming excitedly.

The Truth (Klaroline FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें