"Mine was when I first met Scorpius," Dad looked at me weirdly.

"Albus and I were sitting in the compartment and Scorpius came in asking if the compartment was free and he can sit with us because he knows no one else and his family has a bad representation. We hadn't recognised each other yet, so we introduced ourselves. As soon as we said our names, he tensed up given our family history and he stood up to leave and we asked him why he is leaving. He turned around and said our parent's history and we replied that we didn't give a shit about anything that doesn't directly involve us. He sat back down, and I think that is when myself and Albus developed our crushes for him. He is more like his mother and you guys are great mates with Mr Malfoy now," I say.

"Hang on, he pulled a me. Asking if the compartment was free?" Dad said, "and how did we become friends with Malfoy?"

"Uncle Harry and you two gave him a white ferret for Christmas after agreeing that we needed to let go of your past history," I say.

"Oh, ok," Mum replied hesitantly but suppressing giggles. Dad just burst out laughing.

"Hugo what about you," Dad asked Hugo. When we didn't get an answer, we turned to see him leaning up to mum snoring his head off, fast asleep.

"I think it is time to go to bed, I have a feeling something big will happen tomorrow," Mum said.

"Yeah, I'll carry him... goodnight," dad said as he picked up Hugo and walked out of the attic.

"Let's go, mum," I say, mum, blushed but followed me out of the room.

That night (which was last night) felt like ages ago. I looked to where my mother was sleeping I smiled at the sight of my younger mother.

Slowly, my eyes began to close as I drifted off to sleep.


Teddy POV

I was the last one to go upstairs to bed after dinner.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I will never be able to see my parents alive again.

I was an emotional wreck. I have been able to spend 2 weeks with my dead parents. However, within those 2 weeks, mum and dad have been working busy so I have rarely seen them.

"You ok dear," I heard from behind me. I turned to see Victoire.

I mumbled in response.

She kissed my cheek as I watched the Molly clean the kitchen before bed.

"I'm going to bed... goodnight," Victoire said as she walked out of the room as I told her I will be in soon.

I was reflecting on what I have done with my parents. Nothing really stood out and to be honest that made me slightly sad.

I stood up and started helping Molly with the dishes. At around 10 o'clock something surprised me occurred.

My parents walked in the door.

"Watcher Teddy, hello Molly," Mum said sitting down at the table. Dad just nodded at us.

"I am going to check if everyone is asleep," Molly said as we finished the dishes.

She moved outside of the room. I went and move the photo box to sit down next to dad.

"Um so was working today," I say nervously. They both look at me weirdly.

"I'm sorry I haven't had a conversation with you guys in my life and it's weird to talk to my dead parents," I confessed.

They both looked at me sympathetically.

"Um... tell us a bit about you," Dad started.

"A couple months after the war Harry took custody of me after Grandma is no longer able to look after me. But she is still kicking in 2019," I say as I knew that was on their mind after I reminded them that they died.

"I think Rem was trying to say more about you, what's your favourite memory," Mum asked.

"Um..." I say nervously. "I have two. One with Victoire and one with Harry.

"My first kiss with Victoire and when Harry showed me his memories of you guys," I said as a lump started to form in my throat.

"Can you tell us what memories he showed you because I want to see what my son is learning about me?" Mum said.

"Some of these are in the future so you may not understand but here I go...

Dad teaching Harry how to do a Patronus, mum showing off her Metamorpgmagus powers, dad holding Harry, preventing him to jump into the veil after Sirius's death, you guys coming to Harry's 17th Birthday and a lot more. Basically, anything involving you two." I say really quickly with my hair rapidly changing colours as I went through the list. It then settled back to its normal teal blue

"Thank you for sharing that with us," Dad said as we became more comfortable with talking. We sat at the table for hours enjoying the time we had left before we depart.

My deepest wish since I could remember had become a reality, it was a beautiful and amazing night.


No One's POV

Not a sound could be heard.

Huge dark shadows crawled up the long a pale wall.

Everyone was asleep.

Except for one.

Moving as stealthy as she can be, moving down towards the kitchen. Unfortunately, her vibrate red locks (unlike the Weasley Ginger) stood out from within the dark shadows.

She moved down the stairs jumping over those that would creak. She made her way to the kitchen and moved towards the box of photo's that Teddy had moved just hours before. Not that she knew, she was 'asleep'.

Carefully, she picked up the box. She took out one photo in particular and shut the lid, not changing the position from when she first saw it.

She raced up to the attic as she had only been in there days before, as quiet as she could.

She pushed open the door and moved to where an old music box was placed.

She put the photo on the back along with something a certain Sirius Black had slipped her at dinner.

She was nervous. This was breaking the law of space and time continuum, but the feeling eased as she shut it.

She shut the music box and 7-year-old Lily Potter went off to bed, not regretting her decision one bit.


Cliff Hanger... What did Sirius give Lily and what photo did she hide, no one will know until I release the next chapters.

Stay tuned.

Thankyou for reading another chapter. Please remember to comment your opinions and I hope you enjoyed.

1552 Words



Published- whatever the date is (11th October 2020)

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