The Night When Pigs Could Fly

Start from the beginning

"You really are a slow kid," Ma added. "You still don't realize how lucky you are."


"You can't see it? How is it that you never starve? How is it that you got a roof over your damn head? How is it that despite everything that's been going on, the money, the business, everything, you don't see it?"

Ma smiles, torn. "That's because you're a lucky kid. You, Darryl, are lucky to have parents like us."

After gathering her papers, she walked out the door. Leaving me alone once more.

No... I-I... I don't want to be alone. I want someone by my side. I need someone by my side. Help, someone... anyone!


I ran as fast as my legs could take me. This late at night, there's no use for anyone else other than...

"Maya. Maya. Maya."

Maya. I need her.

I surveyed the backyard. I... she's here. Maya's here. She's here. Her pink dress dancing in accordance to the wind, and her back against the metal fence dividing us, they're all here.

I'm... safe. I need her. I need her by my side. Help me, Maya, please.

I sat by my usual seat, taking my spot right beside her. My head was growing insane, but once I leaned it against hers, it eased.

I'm grateful.

Maya, where's your nightly greeting? Do I have to do it for you? Should I be reminding you? You rarely forget, why are you forgetting it? Maya!

"Maya," I mumbled.

"The twelfth."


"Huh?" That was unexpected.

"...of October."

"Wh-What's that?"

"My birthday. It's the twelfth of October."

"Oh. Right. H-How come you're saying this now?"

"I don't know, thought it might be important, so... there ya go." She was unusually stern. Something's setting her off, something bothersome.

I turn to her, offended. "Maya. You're Maya. What you just said was Maya's freakin' birthday. I'd say that's pretty damn important," I said.

She turned towards me in response. Those eyes, they glimmer with resolve and certainty. They burn with fear and certitude, both emotions balancing right in the middle.

Those eyes, they stared hard into me. It pierced me like a laser through paper. She did not utter a single word, yet I can fathom her intentions and her questions.

"I... need help. I need you," I squealed, my mouth dry, parched. "P-Please..."

"Why do you need m--"

"Oh, let's cut that out! I need you because you've been there for me ever since we met! I just don't know why, but this feeling, this uncanny, unfamiliar feeling nagged me from the night we met and kept on nagging me until now. So I don't know if it's love or hate, or whatever! I just know that it concerns you, so please..."


"Remember what I told you? Huh? On that night, where everything was set up perfectly for us? You... you're the perfect girl for me. I felt like you were made for me! So damn it to hell if I'm being selfish, but you have to make me believe!"

"In what, Darryl? In what--"

"That all I believe is true! That you are the girl for me!" Maya's tears came falling down gently like tiny snowflakes. "I want you to be there for me, Maya. I need you there with me! I'm... I-I'm frustrated, I'm confused, I don't know who I should be anymore! I don't know who I am, because everything who I thought I was, he's finally revealing his true colors."

"What do you mean, Darryl..." I can't stand seeing her like this. I'm so sorry, Maya.

"He's scum, Maya. Old Darryl sucks! Old Darryl is weak and immature and stupid and dumb and stupid and I wish he'd never existed! That's why I..."

Maya shakes her head. "No, Darryl, no. You don't have to--"

"Yes, I do! Maya, please." I heave. "You're my only hope to fixing my mistakes. I wrongfully accused you of crippling my relationship with Ma, but I was wrong. I'm wrong about everything! It's all my fault. Help me, guide me, be with me until the end. And I promise you, I'll be better. I'll be better, I will! Just promise that you'll help me!"

I clutched the metal fence tightly, reeling, begging. I held it so tight I might just be able to peel it off. Maya. Maya, I can't do this without you. I can't win without you! I c-can't...

"Yes, you can."

I stop dead, motionless. "What? How did you...?"

"You're looking at it the wrong way, but I know you'll change. You're Darryl. You can do it because I believe in you."

"Maya?" She's smiling. She's grinning like before! She's... what's going on?

"Don't believe in me! I've barely done anything. The truth of the matter is, if you ever want change, it all has to be you like you said." She smiles so tenderly and loving, her words don't match her expression. I feel dizzy.

"I got you, Darryl. Always. I've been by your side, and I always will be."

Maya, don't go.

"Just promise to change, okay? Promise me you'll change."

"Y-Yes. Yes, I will. I promise."

She tilts her head to the side, examining me and the sincerity behind my words. Soon after, she beams at me. Her smile this time, I feel like... it's special.

"Then it's settled."

Maya, please don't go.

"I have a promise to keep, and you have yours." She winks.

She winks before walking back inside her home.

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