Poppy Night

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12/22, Midnight, Monday

Two more days. Two more restless nights, before the big one.

The anticipation is too much. I can't hold out for much longer. The angst I feel is overwhelming but refreshing. For the longest time, I finally felt the giddiness a normal teenager would go through. The rollercoaster ride that is love and all its forms, I've finally come to experience.

And all thanks to a girl I've come to know in less than a week.

It's bizarre, I know, that such a benign, carefree girl would be an astounding match for silly, selfish me.

I mean, it was obvious, if you'd ask anyone. But if you'd ask me? I'd say we were made for one another.

Since Christmas Eve is right around the corner, I planned to gather up the best gifts in the world.

And I can't do that if I don't have...

"Allowance?" I held out my hand to Ma, who struggled to stay awake.

It took her a while to realize my intentions. "What the hell? Darryl, get your thieving hands off my face, conniving dog!"

As usual, she'll play hard to get.

So I'll have to bring out my own guns.

"No, no, you don't understand, this is important!" I exclaimed.

"And what exactly is this important matter?"

"Uh, p-project! I have one coming up, it's a mid-break, super important, must-finish-to-graduate project, mid-break, and super important!"

Ma doesn't even entertain my plead as she lays down on her bed.

She just won't budge.

"For serious this time! If I don't contribute, I'll be screwed!"

"Screwed?" she asked sarcastically.

Initiate Operation Puppy Eyes.

"My classmates, they'll condemn me if I slack on another project! I can't afford to get humiliated, not again. Ma, you gotta believe me..."

Surprisingly, she was quick to decide. Ma takes out her wallet and gives me my usual allowance. Sweet!

"Just... focus, alright? You let them bully you one more time, I won't be helping you, got it? You're on your own," Ma warned forcefully.

I nod, my satisfaction barely concealed inside me. She fell for it! I guess there's just no room for underestimating the classics!

Good job, me!

I scurry out the door, ready to plan out my surprise for precious Maya.

"Hold on!"

I freeze. Did she catch on? Am I dead?

"Fetch your father for me, would ya? We... We have a lot to talk about," she ordered, though I was unsure of what she meant.

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