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Weeks passed by and school was still just fine. Nothing too crazy or interesting happened. You and gundam would spend time together every once in awhile to study, but other than that you didn't get out much.

You sat on the edge of your bed. Your boredom was simply unbearable. You slipped on some converse, and grabbed your tiny backpack purse, deciding to go take a walk.

You walked along the concrete paths of the school at first, like you usually did. But then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw some nice looking woods. You smiled, knowing you could definitely encounter some interesting creatures there. You walked into the woods, glancing around before entering to make sure no other students saw you doing something else weird.

There really want a trail per se, but you could tell that someone else probably had been there before by the way sticks were broken.

You explored this new area quietly and took time to meditate on your own thoughts. You would occasionally turn a rock or two over to see if you could find any snakes or salamanders, and whenever you found a specimen you made sure to record it with your phone.

You figured no one else would be in the woods, so you decided to sing a little bit. You also loved singing, even though you knew you probably weren't all that good at it. Since you were so shy and awkward, you never really had chances to sing since there's always a small chance someone can hear you.

But now, the woods shielded you from any criticism and the birds joined you in song.

Lost in thought, you didn't pay attention to where you were walking, and fell right into  a bramble patch.

You gasped, all calmness and joy leaving your world. It was warm out, so you were just wearing a regular t shirt and shorts. You were stuck with thorns all around you. If you tried to move, they'd scratch you even more. You began to panic as pain started setting in. You tried to thrash your way out, but you only got more tangled.

You couldn't help yourself, you began to cry.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now