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Hey everyone, it's me, the author. I'm not quite sure where to go with this story now, but I feel like it deserves a better ending. I will be thinking of that soon! But, while you all wait, feel free to check me out on tumblr @thisisgonnafuxkinkillme
I write a lot of my hero academia stuff (I'm a Toshinori simp oof-)

Anyways, thank you all SO MUCH for all the hilarious comments and endless support. You don't know how much it means to me. You've all helped me write SO MANY fics, and to keep on going. You've reminded me of how talented I am, and inspired me to continue when I didn't see that talent. I'm SO GLAD I could have brought so much joy to the loners, the fictional men simps, and to people like me. I write things that I needed to hear, and I hope that you needed to hear them too. You all are doing so great, and I am so proud of you. Gonta is proud of you.
Keep going.
You can do it.
Thank you.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora