Chapter 3: Voting

Start from the beginning

2. Is it even human? Hoseok, Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook meet at the university, and soon after they enter strange things happen. Sounds like footsteps and like a woman crying can be heard. They follow the sounds, much to the dismay of Hoseok and Jimin who are scared of their wits and startled with everything single sounds. With every step, they take the crying get's louder and louder until they turn a corner, and there it is. The shadow, Hoseok, and Seokjing immediately recognize it and point it out to the other. In the distance, it looks like a dark mist but the closer they get the more clear its features to become visible. It hunched over with its face in its hands shaking as if eternally crying. Silently they approach it, trying not to make a sound to startle it, the closer they get the more terrifying it becomes its arm and legs are in weird angles as if they've been broken. It looks pitiful crying in the dark, silent hallways of the university. When they get so close they could almost make out it's facing a sound one of the BTS members makes startles it, it stops crying. The suffocating silence is suddenly disturbed when the creature looks up with its horrifying face and screeches an inhuman sound before disappearing in thin air. The boys are scared out of their wits and start running blindly through the hallways trying to getaway. Namjoon and Yoongi who had seen the boys sneaking into the building hear the commotion, and think the inhuman screech is just a prank and enter the university to scold the boys. They encounter the frantic running boys in the hallway and confront them. All of them leave, it's only in the morning when the body is discovered. No one heard or saw a thing but in the classroom next to where the creature had been silently crying a student was in his seat, dead. Students discovered the next morning at first they thought it was just someone who had gotten their early and had fallen asleep on her desk with the head on the tabled surrounded bu her arms. They asked her questions but there was no response. Only when they shake her body and her head falls from her arms, her lifeless body, hanging over the table, her face drained of blood visible. She had been a murder, dun dun dunnnnnn.

3. The shadow. Hoseok and Seokjin arrive first and are arguing whether it was even a good idea to come here because they are both really scared. Then Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook arrive and it's too late for them to back out. All 5 of them enter the building, at first nothing seems wrong. Yeah, the university does look creepy at night but nothing happens. Jimin starts to argue whether the university is haunted and if there isn't a good explanation for everything that has happened, but then it happens. Jimin sees it, the shadow person, walking through the hallways. Scared he points at it but when the rest turns around it's gone. Jimin swears he saw it and they go to the place he saw it, but there is nothing. Until a figure pops up at the end of the hallway. They all scream in fear when the figure suddenly approached them, they freeze in fear and watch as it comes closer and closer and even seems to multiply. Two dark figures approach them through the hallway, they all scream in fear and start running until they realize the shadows call after them, by their names, in familiar voices. It turns out that Namjoon and Yoongi who had been at home had spotted the 5 boys enter the building and had come after them. When they explain there reasoning Yoongi laughs at the idea of the supernatural and makes a sarcastic remark Namjoon also is skeptical and uses more of a scientific approach. All 7 of them start their way to the exits but maybe the shadow person Jimin saw wasn't Yoongi or Namjoon, or was it? Before they even turn around the corner they hear weird sounds and the shadow person shows itself yet again.

4. Being followed. Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook meet at the university. They hear footsteps running along the hallways but they don't see anyone, at first. Hoseok is scared out of his wits and wants to leave at the first sound but the others don't. Seokjin pretends to not be afraid but secretly he is terrified, he's seen the shadow and doesn't want to see it again. The moment they enter the building Hoseok just has a bad feeling and keeps having the idea they are being followed. But he isn't taking seriously by the other since he was skeptical about joining in the first place and think it's just an idea to get them out there. When they explore the school further they encounter some more strange things like doors that won't open or open by themselves. Jungkook just wants to figure everything out and is curious. Taehyung is also really curious but Jungkook is the most courageous. It isn't until they turn a corner and see the shadow person first hand they believe Hoseok and Seokjin. Jimin still tries to use the scientific approach only to talk himself down in being scared. Jungkook insists on approaching it, they others don't think that's a good idea. Then they are startled by a sudden loud crash and they go explore reluctantly. When they enter the classroom tables have been moved and they are scared and want to leave. Suddenly a voice speaks up behind them and they all scream in fear until they realize it's just Namjoon and Yoongi who live nearby and had seen them enter the university while having a late-night drink together after grading some exams. Namjoon and Yoongi don't believe in the paranormal and force them too leave but on their way out they encounter the shadow person ones again.

5. The whisper. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook arrive at the university at night, and before they even enter they hear something weird from inside. Seokjin and Hoseok arrive moments later and they explore the university together. Hoseok and Seokjin are scared and complain about being talked into being there. Jimin is also scared but doesn't want to show it until a loud crash is heard and he screams in fear. Jungkook wants to check it out and so does Taehyung the others don't even want to know anymore. Eventually, they silently approach the classroom from which the sound is heard when they get closer again a weird sound like something scratching the floors or furniture being dragged is heard but when they enter there is nothing there. Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin want to leave and so they make their way over to the exit but are stopped by Namjoon and Yoongi who had been working late in their offices and caught the 5 sneaking through the hallways. They get scolder and dragged to the exit but not before other strange occurrences happen. Weird sounds and events make it almost impossible to leave and when Seokjin hears someone whisper in his ear someone is going to die all hell breaks loose and they want nothing else than to leave the university.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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