CHAPTER 3:Science

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As me and Jacob walked into class together I noticed that blonde girl from earlier staring at us. I wonder what's up with her. I sat in the back of the class hoping that Jacob would sit next to me without me asking. He did. "So I heard this class is really easy, my brother had this teacher a couple of years ago and he said this class was an easy A." "Well that's good because I suck at science." I replied laughing at my self. Jacob smiled and said "yea same." Then Mrs. Olson walked into class. She was a short older lady with white hair. When the bell rang she said "Alrighty class, I am Mrs.Olson. This year in my class will be very easy, unlike most of the science teachers here, I don't give out homework, tests, and I don't care where you sit as long as your not distracting the class. Oh and class, let's keep it a little secret that I don't give out tests." The class laughed and Mrs. Olson said "Okay so I'm going to take attendance, when I call on you name say here and tell me something that interests you." A boy in the back of the class said something to his friend and the Mrs. Olson added "As long as it's appropriate." The boy in the back said "Damn" then I looked at him giving him an annoyed look. once he noticed he shut up.
Class was almost finished. 15 minutes left. The teacher said that since it's the first day we can talk to each other. Jacob said "see, I told you." Then smiled. I loved his smile. It was the most perfect thing you'll ever see. "Yea yea." I responded. "So Jessica, what's you next classes? Hopefully we have more classes together." I wonder if he likes me. Haha I almost believed that. "My 3 period is language arts, then math, then I have film and editing." "Oh really." He said looking at his schedule "I have the same classes as you, but my 7th period is PE. What period is your PE class?" "Oh I don't have PE this year because I decided to do summer school and I finished all my credits for this years PE so I don't have a 7th period." "Lucky." He said. I laughed then took out my phone looking for any updates from Makayla. There was none though. I'll just ask her what happened next period. Then Jacob said "um so, do you have a boyfriend?" I was quit shocked when I heard this. "No I'm single. What about you, do you have a girlfriend?" I responded. "No I'm single to." I nodded my head then Jacob said "well since we got that out of the way, do you wanna come over after school or maybe go and eat somewhere?" I looked at him then he added "you know to catch up." I responded "Yea, but I need a ride." "No problem, I got you." He said. I called my mom asking if I could go over to a friends house after school. She said yes but surprisingly she didn't ask which friend. I'm so excited.

Makaylas POV

Me and Ruben walked into science together, his arm still around me. The class was basically full already so we decided to sit in the back row. Our teacher Mr. Jones said "OK class we're going to start up. My name is Mr. Jones I will be your science teacher for this year. As you may have heard my class is a bit more advanced than the others so you guys might have a little more work to do." Oh great. I'm in advanced science and I didn't even know, and I will have more work than the other classes, which means me and Jessica can't help each other out(aka copy each other) Ugh. Ruben looked over at me and said "Damn this class might be harder than it looks." I just nodded and kept paying attention to Mr.Jones. I didn't want to get yelled at, especially on my first day. Hopefully Jessica's class is going better than mine.

A/N- I'm not sure if I should start doing little comments like this. But just stick around a little longer, it'll be worth it. Let's just say... drama. And also the person who is on the cover of this chapter is Makayla and in last chapter it was Jessica.

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