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Disclaimer: I do not own the anime


Well, well, well. Y/n-chan likes me huh? Well let's make this fun, shall we?


I was in class sitting in my seat waiting for Koro Sensei to come in. I felt anxious. Like more anxious than usual. Almost like I'm waiting for something to happen.

Now that I mention it, Karma isn't here yet either. Probably skipping as always. I looked around again and noticed that Okuda wasn't here either. She's probably looking for him to ask him out.

But unlucky for her, he's skipping. But the door opened and I say correctly in my chair thinking that it was Koro Sensei, but when I looked, pain shot through my heart.

It was Okuda and Karma holding hands.

I looked away because for some reason, my heart started to ache so I just placed my head on the table.

"Hey, are you two dating?" I hear Nakamura ask when she already knows.

"Yea, I confessed to Karma-kun and he surprisingly said yes." Her low, shy voice said.

Karma? Said yes? But why does that hurt? I just continued to lay on my desk until Koro Sensei came in.

"Nrurnfururnr, so as we all know, exams are coming up. You'll have to study harder." He said .

"Ooh, let's go to the main library in the main school for some air conditioning." Nakamura said.

Normally, I would laugh at a joke like that but I wasn't in the mood.

"Yea, that's a good idea Nakamura. We'll do it tomorrow." Kayano encouraged.

I sighed. Main campus huh?

I then felt someone tap me from behind. I looked back knowing it was Karma.

"What do you want?" I ask pretty irritated for some reason.

"I was just going to ask are you happy for me." He said .

"Happy for what? What'd you do?" I asked .

"I'm talking about since I'm with Okuda now. Aren't you happy for me?" He put on his sadistic smile.

Oh.......Okuda. I swear everytime I hear her name, I want to kick something or choke someone. Maybe I just have a problem.

"Oh yea, I'm really happy for you two. I hope you do well with your cute relationship." I said with a face like : 😐

"Y/n-chan, no fair. Why you gotta act like that?" He whined .

I just ignored him and continued to lay my sweet head on the table.

*Bell Rings*

Finally, class is over. As soon as it ended, I didn't wait for Karma nor Nakamura. I just hurried home leaving Auntie Rina at the school. I sighed and rushed to my bedroom.

Once I got there, I plopped on my bed and for some reason, tears started coming down. But for what reason?

I don't like him. I don't care for him. I don't want him. I've only known him for what? Four months? Okuda has known him longer than that so I shouldn't feel like this. But then............why did he kiss me?

I've never felt like this before. Not even with my ex. It hurts. It hurts so much. I cuddled myself in my bed when I heard my room door bust open. I looked up and saw a male panting.

It was Karma.

I ignored him and snuggled my face into the pillow so my tears would dry quickly.

"Hey......." I heard Karma start off near my ear which made me jump and yelp.

"Are you crying?"

" No, I'm not crying. I was just thinking of my mother. " I turned to him smiling.

Welp, that was a mistake. His face was right there and my lips brushed his when I turned. After a while he backed up.

"Anyways, why did you leave without me?" He asked .

"I thought you wanted to walk with Okuda." I whispered .

"Aw no. I broke up with her."

I paused. The air was filled with silence as I tried to comprehend what he just said.

"What do you mean?" I finally broke the silence.

"YEa, turns out she was the clingy type." He said placing his hands behind his head.

"Oh, well that's good." I burst out without thinking. I then quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh, you wanted me to break up with her? Y-/-n-c-h-a-n" he whispered in my ear.

Why is that voice so attracting?

"Don't play yourself. You're annoying." I say and turned around.

"Awww, Y/n-chan, you hurt my feelings."

"Don't be ridiculous." I say shooing him.

"Dinner guys." I heard Ms. Akabane say.

"Race ya down." I say jumping out of my bed and running down the stairs.

"No, fair Y/n. You cheated.

By this time, I already knew that I have feelings for him.

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