Chapter 9: Begone.

Start from the beginning

Nothing will happen to him. He will be okay, Estelle.

Blue searched in the other parts of her mind to formulate a normal-ish answer. "Same, to be honest."

Black looked amused, as if that wasn't a normal answer. You ask a question, you get an answer, and then you're not sure how to reply to it. You're interesting, you know that? 

"Thanks - I've always aspired to be as interesting as possible."

… Aaaand we're back to sarcasm. Hey, at least you're not being mean anymore. You've been better about that.

Oh, you should see the way I talk to Green-

"Sorry, sarcasm is part of my charm, so I won't be parting with that anytime soon."

Then, Black started to laugh. It was a weird, voiceless noise, and most would have thought she was just having trouble breathing while grinning for some reason - but it gave Blue a nice feeling all the same.

When she'd finally composed herself enough, Black wrote:

Your charm? The one that you've gained sooo many friends and lovers with?

"... Oh, shut up."

Black started laughing again, and Blue felt herself grinning.

But, like all good things, the moment came to an end.

Why? Because Blue was not favored in the eyes of whatever celestial guardian or deity was watching over them at the time.

(What being in their right mind would favor Blue anyways?)

Oh, and because Green walked in the room.

Blue's grin faded as quickly as it came.

"Oh, wow, she smiles?" He said sarcastically.

I didn't think it was possible to hate you more than I already did, Green, but here we are.

Talon had sensed Blue's suddenly heightened tension, judging from the way he stirred.

Blue and Green stared each other down.

Well, whatever he was feeling earlier, he's certainly got quite a handle on himself right now.

And here I was beginning to think he was somewhat human.

Green raised his eyebrow at the three of them. "So, what are you all up to?"

"Tasks, obviously," Blue said cautiously. What are you trying to do?

Black kept looking back and forth between them, wondering where all this unresolved tension was coming from.

Talon picked up on it too, and he leaned over to try and push Green away.

Breaking eye contact with Blue, Green turned to look at Talon. "Do you want me to go away, little buddy?"

Who gave you the right to speak to my brother?

Talon stared Green down as well, and then Green laughed, saying, "sorry, I think I'm staying."

Blue looked down her nose at him. "The child has spoken, Green. Begone."

To her surprise, he left.

He's planning something. 

I feel it.

… maybe he's planning on killing someone again - he did say not too long ago that Pink was next. Twice, actually.

Well, I guess I'm going out again tonight.



He left the room, and once he was safely out of earshot, he let down his "okay" persona.

If I don't kill everyone soon, I'm doomed.

Blue will just have to deal with it, or be killed as well.

I've got to kill again tonight - there's no other choice.

Pink. Where does she sleep? 

Oh, right, with Purple. That'll be difficult, unless I kill them both...

While he was immersed in his thoughts, he accidentally walked into Orange. 

"Green - hey, are you okay?"


"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, just tired… of people. Yes, of people." So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be alone right now-

"It's not just you being tired, I can tell. Seriously, what's bothering you? You haven't been acting right today."

And how would you be knowing that?

Oh no, Green realized. Orange knows my usual behavior.

Green continued to give excuses, until Orange finally felt comfortable leaving him alone in their room - supposedly to take a nap.

After I kill Pink tonight, he'll remember this. He might realize it's me and rat me out.

He's my weak spot. 

… And he's too observant for his own good.

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