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Zane hasn't been at the Monastery awhile, but he did seem to know what he was doing. That is something Cole admired about him. He was always full of hope. They started training more often learning how to use their elemental powers to their fullest potential. Cole the ninja in black, was given the leader role. Sensei knew he was the strongest and could keep it together in bad situations.

 Unlike Jay who panicked over many unnatural things and Kai who was very hot headed. If things didn't go Kai's way, he erupts, literally. Kai's anger and firey passion matches him and his elemental power perfectly. He is a good friend to have, but he has high expectations for everything to go right. 

Jay being almost the complete opposite. He is a fast runner and loved to invent or just build in his free time with Nya, Kai's younger sister. He is the jokester in the group. Popping terrible jokes at terrible times. Ironic? Not really. Jay is very spiritual and loves video games. His elemental power to be lightning matches his fast talking and running. Kai and Jay defiantly seem close as buddies, enjoying each other company almost to its fullest. 

Cole on the other hand, had super strength, and the elemental power of earth. He was good under pressure and came up with plans to get them out of a problem. He had a sweet tooth, especially for Zane's cooking. Out of all the deserts Cole had tried, Zane's was by far the best. Another thing was the fact is he had a soft spot for his dragon Rocky. So it was the obvious choice for Sensei to pick him as leader.

Zane was smart and all, but knew little to nothing about his elemental power. Zane, filled with determination, practiced his best to become the master of Ice. He was pretty good at it too. There was still much to learn though. Zane had a passion for cooking. He didn't know where he picked it up, but he was an amazing cook. The others compliments of his food made Zane happy. He was most confused of most of the stuff his teammates talk about, but he is learning. He even had a friend. Falcon, Zane calls him. The others never knew why Zane would call him Falcon, but chose not to question it. 

The sun finally rose, making its way to shine on the mountain where the Monastery sat. There was a slight breeze making the day a little colder than it should be. The four boys slept in their designated beds, not yet ready for the morning to come. 

Their sleep didn't last much longer. They had training that morning and needed to get up bright and early. The boys shared alarm clock went off. Groans emerged from the darkened room blankets shuffling around. Although the boys didn't want to get up, Zane slid out of his comfy sheets  and landed quietly on the ground. Thankfully for the others he turned off the alarm clock. They had about an hour before training. Zane thought this would be the best time to get ready and make breakfast for the others. 

Zane threw on his white ninja gi. Tying the white belt around his waste to finish off the touch. Zane quickly did his hair and quietly made his way out of the room. He closed the door slowly hearing the click of the door shutting. Zane let out a sigh. He didn't want to wake the others. They were up all night playing their video game. Zane did enjoy watching and playing a few matches, but most of the time he hung out in the room reading his book.

Zane finally made his way down the hallway to the kitchen. The stove was on with a tea kettle sitting on top of it. Zane knew this tea was their Sensei's. Master Wu. He was old and wise, but did love his tea. The kettle started to make a screeching noise, indicating that the tea was finished.

Zane made his way to the stove, he grabbed the handle making sure it wasn't hot. There was a tea cup sitting on the counter near the stove. Zane guessed Master Wu had left it there for his tea. Zane grabbed the cup and made his way out of the kitchen. Across the hall was where Master Wu meditated.

Zane knocked on the door a few times. "Sensei?" Zane asked. There was a few seconds of silence. "Come in Zane." Wu encouraged. Wu looked up at Zane from his sitting position. "Your tea was finished. I thought I'd bring it to you." Zane stated setting the tea in front of Wu. 

Mater Wu nodded conformingly. "Thank you Zane." He thanked and poured himself some tea. "I'll be going now Master. I was heading to make breakfast for the others." Zane let out a small smile when he mentioned cooking. Wu nodded. "Wake them up as soon as you are finished." Wu stated blankly taking a sip of the hot tea. "Yes Sensei." Zane said and made his way out of the room, closing the door after.

Zane made his way back to the kitchen. He wasn't going to make anything big. They did have to go grocery shopping sometime soon. Zane turned on the burner and placed the pan on it. Cracking a few eggs he let them fall onto the pan making sure no egg shells went into the pan. He did this multiple times until there was enough eggs for everyone. While the eggs cooked he made toast in the toaster and buttered them.

Proud of himself Zane made his way to their room. Opening the door the others were still sound asleep. He pushed the door open and turned on the light, blinding the others. More groans of pain escaped from each of the beds. While Kai and Jay covered themselves with their blankets, Cole sat up rubbing his eyes. Cole threw off the covers and stood up stretching. After Cole was semi awake he made his wake to Zane.

"Hey babe. How was your sleep?" Zane asked. Zane didn't get a reply instead he got a yawn. "It was okay." Cole said leaning on the wall next to Zane. Zane hummed in response. "I made breakfast. Wake the others and get ready for training." Zane stated placing a kiss on Coles forehead. Cole shook his head.

Zane grabbed his book off the nightstand and made his way to the kitchen. He sat on the counter and started reading from his bookmarked page.

A while later the others finally made their way to the kitchen, where the food was sitting. Zane looked up from his book. "Took you guys awhile. The food is probably cold by now." Zane said. "It's okay! Even if your food is cold it will still be amazing." Jay stated in his usual bubbly voice. Zane chuckled. "I will be outside with Sensei Wu. Finish eating because we need to train." Zane said sliding off the counter and making his way outside.

Mater Wu was sitting on the front porch sipping from his tea cup. Zane made his way and sat beside Wu. "Good morning Master." Zane greeted. Even though they have talked earlier this morning he hadn't said good morning like usual.

"Good morning Zane." There was a small pause before Wu continued talking. "Did you wake the others?" He finished. Zane nodded. "Yes Sensei they are all finishing eating their breakfast right now." Zane confirmed. As on key the three came through the doors, babbling on about something.

Wu stood up along with Zane. "Good now that we are all here. Lets get to training." 

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