There were no signs that a bus or a taxi will be coming soon in this rain so you decided to walk there

It took you thirty minutes under the heavy rain while pulling your heavy bag behind you but you made it to the building where Asahi was staying

You took a deep breath and went in the building each step you took closer to his door you were filled with thoughts and anxiety

What if he wasn't there?
What if I wake him up?
What if he didn't like me being there?
Or worse what if he had someone with him and you interrupted them?

You pushed these thoughts away as you had no other choice but to knock on the door

You had waited few moments before a very tired Asahi opened the door

"Y/n.." he said scratching the back of his head confused you had to gather all the power in you to stop yourself from crying again when you saw him but you failed

You covered your face with your hands as you started to sob again your body was shaking from the crying and from being drenched in water

But you felt warm and huge arms surrounding your tiny shakey body and then Asahi pulled you to his chest hugging you tightly which caused you to cry out loud while holding the material of his shirt tightly

What you didn't know that Asahi have always had a crush on you since he saw you and even though your brother Diachi was more than happy if you two dated the glass hearted boy back then was so scared to tell you about his feelings in case you rejected him and it would get your friendship ruined

So seeing you like this hurt him like hell

He let you go and pushed the tears away using his thumbs
"How about you go take a shower while I make you something hot to drink" you nodded as you had no energy to say no or to even answer properly and you really needed that shower

You took something comfortable to wear from your bag before going to take a warm shower that made you so relaxed

You went out of the bathroom wearing your favorite pejama, the lights now were on and Asahi was sitting on the couch waiting for you with two cups of hot coco sitting on the table so you took a seat next to him and as you sat down he handed you your cup

He took his cup and started drinking in silence, it was quite and the sound of the rain made you more calm

you knew Asahi he wouldn't ask you what was wrong until you felt ready so you started talking "he cheated on me with my best friend and I had no where to go so I am sorry for coming at this late hour"

"Hey don't worry about me but how did you know he was cheating I mean are you sure?"

"Yeah he umm he told me because he wants to be with her and not with me anymore" saying that out loud hurt you again and you started feeling the tears form in your eyes but Asahi's gentle touch on your cheek made you feel somewhat safe and ok

"Don't be sad it's his loss I always thought you deserved better anyway" he gave you that sweet smile of his that you loved him for

You have always loved Asahi since you saw him first time at your house with Daichi but you can never admit such a thing to anyone he was your brother's friend and you were so much younger at the time with the three years difference it would seem weird to everyone once he's eighteen so you always pushed that thought away

But all your feelings that you pushed away seemed to come back from how safe you felt around him how his touch was so warm to you and how his voice was so calming it made you forget that you got heartbroken

"Really you thought so?"

"Yeah but I didn't say anything because who am I to tell you such a thing"

"Oh" this is all what you could say well what would someone say in this situation

"You're welcome here to stay for as long as you want I don't mind at all"

"Oh no no thank you it's ok I'll look for another place to stay I just need few days I don't want to be a burden"

"You will never be a burden to me I really insist that you stay with me plus I could use some company"

"Umm don't you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend" you felt the heat on your cheeks as you asked him this question and he returned it with his wide smile

"No nothing like that I kind of keep myself busy with my business now so no time for that so please stay with me" his smile disappeared a little at the end maybe when he realized what he just asked his cheeks started to get red a sight you miss seeing from his highschool days

You moved a little closer to Asahi's body and rested your head on his broad shoulder your body was touching his as you whispered "ok" and so he relaxed and put his arm around you

"everything will be alright y/n I am with you now"

And so you felt the warmth and happiness that you always felt on a rainy day

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