hollow beginnings

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The sound of soil being watered was making Asa calm, everything around her seemed to be blurry as she was solely focused on the sounds coming off her garden. She swayed side by side exposing her emotions. Liftering her head up high to the sky as she loved this feeling.

The feeling of not caring.

'What are you doin'?' A positive voice arose, not shattering her body's movements.

Asa didn't speak right away, she instead waited a second before a genuine smile began to form on her face, wrinkles being exposed at her eyes. 'Nothin. Just happy.' Asa said in a breathy return.

Ben smiled, happy for Asa.

'That's good, isn't it?' She asked.

'Yes- yes. Very good.' Ben said in hope of her not destroying her mood.

Asa nodded.

'Why?' Ben asked. Asa looked confused. 'Why- are you so happy?'

'Uh- well. I have hope. That we're going to- leave and finally be happy all the time- and it'll be a constant thing instead of being amazed when I am happy. Y'know?'

Asa never really had the opportunity to be happy for more than a few moments. She was always depressed and always not be bothered to have a care for the world. It upset Ben. He knew she didn't mean saying she was done with, everything, but sometimes he wonders why she stays.

Ben was steered away from his thoughts when a potato flopped to the other side. He didn't think anything of it, but the look on Asa's face made him worried.

'What?' He asked, confused by her facial expression.

'Uh, you didn't see that?' She said pointing her hand on the potato.

'No- I did. Didn't you throw it?' Ben said, now pointing his hand also at the potato.

'Did you throw?' Asa said now pointing at Ben. Moving robotically, her body facing Ben as she stared at him, confused.

'Ace-' Ben said pulling up his hands to his side, annoyed he would always have to remind her.

'Oh, right?- Wait, then- who threw it?' Asa sighed. 'Okay- this is making my mind itch!' Asa said frantically. 'Let's just- forget and forgive.' Asa said with pray hands, leaning ever so slightly forward.

'Its forgive and forget-'

'Ya-ya.' Asa stood up straight.

Asa sighed.

'Asa!' A hoarse voice made Asa's breathing hitch.

'Ya!' Asa replied still staring at her potatoes.

'Asa!' He yelled again.

'Wh-what!' Asa yelled back, turning her head this time.

Asa's house had a large selection of land. Even a small slope where her house atop it.

Asa ran up the hill and reached the house out of breath.

'Come.' Ron demanded. His voice was already ready to burst. 'Were you on my computer?' He asked, clenching his jaw.


'Were. You. On. My. Computer!' He said, making each word a statement as he leaned on their dining table, arms crossed. Asa and Ron had the same face shape, angular with hooded eyes and sharp eyebrows that pair well with their golden eyes.

'No-' Asa said, finding her voice.

'A-' Ron looked away for a second. 'Don't-' Ron stood up in a hurry and pointed his finger at Asa, pocking her forehead. Asa didn't flinch. 'Don't lie to me!' He gave out. Sending a death glare he always would send to scare Asa.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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