asa lothely

17 3 2

"You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads when you walk through the door

Don't need make-up to cover-up

Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby, you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beau-"

An unwanted entrance is placed.


They stare indecisively

'What are you doing' A deep and dicey voice opens, bombarded with cigarette smoke.

'Listening to music-'

'I told you to not do that!'

'Ya- ya- I know-' She lays on her bed.

'Then why are you listening to music?' The deep voice crosses his arms.

'Father, do I need to go through this again, on my birthday?' A large sigh is complemented.

It isn't her birthday.

'Fine- just be ready for breakfast and take out the trash, okay?' He walks away, with no answer. 'Alright? Hey, Asa!' He screams.

'Okay-okay! I'll do it.' Asa unplugs her 2012 iPod from her headphones and walks off to their small, cabin living room. Asa wasn't allowed to listen to music when her father was around. She never knew why but, she learnt that asking questions to her father was never the right choice.


As Asa took out the trash, she staring at a young group of friends play in what snow is left.

'You know, if you weren't such an ass, I would feel bad for you,'

Asa turns, slowly.

'Oh good morning, Ben!' She says happily, sarcastically.

Ben nods.

'What are you doing here?' Asa, annoyed, questions the dark outlined figure while proceeding to do her chores.

'Oh, I didn't know there was another place I could be. W-was there a restaurant I didn't know about in this circus of yours?' Ben said, exaggerating with his hands.

Asa stared at him before she knew what to say.



'You think I want to be in this circus too?! Well, newsflash, I don't. And as long as I'm here, you're here so there's nothin' you can do about it! Alright?' Asa snapped.

'Well, maybe if this wasn't a circus you wouldn't be as messed up!'

Asa gasps.

'I beg your pardon!?'

The kids she was staring at soon heard her screaming at the air. Staring in confusion. They couldn't hear what she was saying because of their positioning so it just looked like a weird lady with a trash bag talking into nothingness.

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