Starless Sky

221 35 24

(unedited hehe)

"Please don't tell me he's joining us for dinner," I plead my mom as she sets the dining table up.

She spreads a white, linen cloth on it, before placing a neat vase of white roses, and our dining utensils.

Based on the table's layout, I know our dinner's going to be accompanied by someone.

But why Grayson?

I did not say a single word after we were dismissed from Mr. Wright's office.

I was even more speechless when I saw them wheel Mr. Durmon to an ambulance, because her fall caused a rather serious concusion, and the nurses were worried she might've fractured a few bones, due to her age.

Grayson respected my silence, and kept his mouth shut as well.

No sorries, no nothing.

We just walked to the bus stop, and I hopped into a full bus so Grayson wouldn't have to ride it with me.

I'm not mad at him, it's just...

I don't know.

It was nice that he stood up for me, that he admitted that if he hadn't spilled the milk on my fries, I wouldn't have gotten so pissed.

But I was the one who threw it anyway, so at the end of the day, I'm the culprit. I'm the one who put Mrs. Durmon in the hospital. She may've been mean, but she never did anything personal that'd make me wish for this to happen.

"Oh, so Mr. Richards told you about me inviting him for dinner."

"It's Grayson, mom, and..."

I hesitate.

If I tell her about the incident in the cafeteria, then she'd know about what I did as well.

Mr. Wright mentioned about having our parents called, but since Grayson claimed his parents didn't live here in Chicago, the meeting will be posponed until he could reach Grayson's parents.

Then where do they live? Is this the family issue Grayson's been having?

Despite my curiosity, I made no remark on the topic.

"What?" My mom stops to admire her roses.


She's eventually going to find out...

But now's not a good time.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

"Why, do you have a problem with our guest?" My dad asks as he exits the kitchen with a blue bathrobe, overhearing our converesation.


"Ye... no... just... forget about it."

I feel my phone vibrate in my hands and unlock it.

"Did you tell your parents about just now?"

"No," I reply briefly.

Seconds later, a new iMessage notification appears. I don't bother reading what it says.

"Please stop texting me, Grayson."

"But you're Grayson."

I groan and roll my eyes, storming up the stairs before busting my room door open.

"STOP. I mean it."

"Fine, fine. Would you at least open the door to your balcony?"

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