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Maybe someday I’ll look back at this, and laugh at myself.

Or maybe someday I’d be famous, and then they’d all know how I felt about you.

Maybe someday I’d find someone like you, and when I re-read this, I’d think of him instead of you.

But you’re one of a kind. What if there isn’t anyone else on earth that’d be able to rouse and fuck up every single one of my buttons?

I finish the last sip with a long, lazy sigh, before placing the cup back on the round table, its brown color resembling the one I saw when my cup of hot chocolate was still full.

"Crikey man, that's bollocks!" Arthur exclaims.

I couldn't care less at all the attention we were getting. Hell, I wouldn't care if they kicked us out. I've already finished my drink anyway, and I miss my obnoxious British yacker.

"I don't know... am I doing something wrong?" 

He shrugs, cursing as something enters his eye.

"Bloody insect," he mutters. Soon, his green eyes return to their normal state.

"Have I told you your eyes look like-"

"jensen Ackles' ones, I know. Stop changing the damned subject!"

"Would you like your bill, sir?" A waiter asks, stiffling a yawn. I hate seeing employees when they wear the usual 'I-hate-my-job' look. Why not just quit while they're at it?

"You know sir, if you want us out of your cafe, then we'd gladly leave. You didn't need to foreshadow the fact," Arthur remarks bluntly, waiting for me to open my wallet. 

I roll my eyes, placing a 50 dollar bill on the small board.

"I'm glad you won, but I wish you went for something cheaper." 

Arthur holds the certificate proudly, before tucking it safely into his red folder. 

"Thanks, Anne. Anyway, I have to tell you something."

I pick my cup up until I remember that I've already emptied it.


He smiles softly, definitely not an expression I'm used to seeing on Arthur.

"I'm moving again."

I imagine myself staring at him with my mouth half open, and my eyes bigger than golf balls. "Where?"

He still smiles. I could tell he isn't very happy about the move. 


I force a smile, probably similar to the one I'm currently seeing on him.

"Oh... Art, I don't know what to say. But Australia's great, I'm sure you'll like it." I try my best to get him smirking again. "Plus, there are heaps of attractive people there. That would be quite pleasant." 

He scoffs. "I don't have to travel all the way to Australia for that. All I need to do is look into the mirror." 

"Ugh, forget it Arthur."

"Keep in touch, ya?" His eyes resembled a puppy's, as if pleading for me to pity him. I somehow find my heart aching in empathy, before giving him a small, quick hug.

"Of course, Art."

Arthur lets go and pushes me away gently.

"Ew, what was that for?" He shivers and pretends to cough, earning himself a smack on his left arm.

Fifty Days Before [#Wattys2015]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin