Miss Sandra

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"Alright teens, settle down!"

The auditorium was flooded with human bodies, and though I attend the same school with them all, I'm only able to identify about 10% of my peers and teachers.

"Who's that at the front?" I whisper to Grayson, standing to my left. I don't see why he can't just take a seat, but then again a lot of the people in front of us were up on their feet too.

"That's ibu Sandra. She's a transfer from Indonesia." He then laughs, and says, "I'm going to help her out."

Before I could ask him what he meant by that, he left his position, and starts to blend in with the crowd.

But it didn't take too long to figure out where he's at.

A few people start to sit down, giving me a semi-clear view of the auditorium stage. We do all our shows and performances here, and it's a popular place for the theater kids to chill and... do theater kid stuff.

"What're you doing?" The transfer teacher shouts, trying to snatch the microphone away from Grayson. But given his height, he raises his arm a little higher, and waltzes on the stage.

"Whoops," he blows at the microphone.

We all start to laugh, and even from the back I could see ibu Sandra's face turn pink.

Had I been the one up there, the students would be laughing for a different reason. Unlike me, Grayson's actions don't show a single hint of what he's thinking of - at least most of the time. In other words, he's smooth. Maybe if I didn't know him, I'd see him in a different light; see him as someone who doesn't have a single care for the world - but I know otherwise.

Grayson waits till the laugh dies down, winking at my direction.

The girls in front of me start to swoon, thinking that they were the one he aimed the wink for.

"I was trying to help out, miss. There's nothing wrong with that, right?" He pauses, looking down at the teacher. "Anyway, let's all take a seat, shall we? I had to stand up just to see our lovely new transfer teacher, and my girl's a bit short so even if she did stand, she wouldn't be able to see a thing."

More laughing.

But this time, they have their heads turned to face me. Seeing everyone having a good time, I can't help but laugh as well.

I did catch a few sharp glares coming from the girls, but I find the laughter more contagious. At this moment, I just want to rub it at their stuck-up, caked faces, that Grayson was mine. I don't normally take pride on my 'possession', but annoying them back would be fun.

"Thank you, Grayson. Please find your seat, and stay there till I finish talking," ibu- miss- Sandra says, trying to pry apart the microphone from Grayson's fingers. He lets go, and descends the steps slowly. However when he was gone, the muttering from earlier starts again.

"You heard what Mr. Richards said, please let me finish."

By the way she talked, I could tell she was getting tired. We were a wild bunch, after all. It's not every day you find a school where the students sent their beloved principal to the hospital.

"As you all know, we're going to have a school play on Greek gods and goddesses. I'm just going to make this quick. The auditions will start tomorrow after school, till 6 PM at most. If you wish to participate, please sign yourselves up at the announcement boards. Oh, we also need someone who could play musical instruments, and stay behind the stage." The lighting at the front revealed a vague, small smirk at the woman's face. She's probably going to throw a party once she gets home, because she's one of the few people who actually got all of us to remain completely silent. Yet after a while, she clears her throat to break the atmosphere.

"Any questions?"

I fiddle with my phone boredly, unlocking and locking the screen repeatedly. I've never been into theater or acting in the first place, but Grayson was.

"Can we go now?" Someone from the front hollers.

Without waiting for a reply, Grayson ushers me to the exit not too far from our spot. It was a smart move, because we weren't the only one who were getting ready to leave.

"My damned phone's been ringing since lunch," Grayson complains once we exit the auditorium.

"Who is it?"

Grayson shrugs frustratedly. "It's fucking annoying. I think it's about time I got a new phone because- see, there it goes again. Shit."

What's the big fuss about? If it annoyed him that much, he could simply put the phone on airplane mode- but then I guess he wouldn't be able to receive messages and notifications he actually wants to open; like the ones from yours truly.

"Why not just block the caller?" I suggest.


I involuntarily jump a little when I see a boy dressed in a maroon football uniform standing next to me.

Where did Grayson go?

The football player shoots me a glare, mutters something under his breath, and walks away with a phone pressed to the side of his ear.

I turn, and see Grayson standing in front of the biology lab not too far from the place we were in. He slouches against the wall, his free hand tucked inside his left pocket. From afar, it looks like he's talking to an old acquaintance of his, or someone he hasn't heard from for a long time.

Yet when I get closer,

I don't see a smile.

In fact, he's barely saying anything. His mouth couldn't even maintain to stay in a straight line.

He quivers every now and then, looking like he's just about to freeze to death.

But his eyes;

They were burning.

Not with passion or excitement, but with fear and a little bit of anger.


I'm so sorry it took me ages to update, and I know it's a crappy update too! I was busy with school, and I'm literally riding one of the most intense roller coaster of emotions ever, I swear. I wouldn't be surprised if no one read this update HAHA.

Anyway, as crappy as it was, I still hope it was at least torelable. I'll come back soon with a new update, I promise it. I'm on my summer break, so it shouldn't take over a month again ;).

Fifty Days Before [#Wattys2015]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora