07. Feeling Sporty

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Ah, the day had finally come! The sports festival. You had been training for this for weeks nonstop, thank the gods it finally arrived. You barely made it to school on time, distracting yourself with some last minute training before everything starts. Walking through the doors your eyes darted around the room, everyone seemed to calm. "Hey [y/n]!" you heard a familiar voice call from behind you. Turning around you were met with green eyes "Hi Midoriya!" you gently smiled at the timid boy, causing him to some how become flustered. "Are you excited for the sports festival today?" he asked, his gaze straying away "Of course I am! Why wouldn't i?" you beamed at him.

The girls eyes widened as the it was announced Bakugou, of out all people, would be representing her class.

The blonde stood proudly on the stage, his face getting close to the mic "I will win." he announced. Your face flushed with embarrassment, how could he say such a thing!? Now 1-A looks like a bunch of stood up pricks! "GO TO HELL!" Bakugou yells out as the crowd 'boo's' him off the stage.

You rocked on your heels eagerly awaiting Midnight to announce the first obstacle of the Sports Festival. It was almost the same to the entry exam, except it was similar to an obstacle course. 'This might be easy...' you thought to yourself.

The large gates swung open as you ran through the crowd, sparing no one a single glance as you trudged through. Looking back you noticed you had people hot on your ass, doing some quick thinking you blew the spores from your palms behind you. Who ever was unfortunate to be in a close range was now having a coughing fit.

You still weren't in the lead, seeing Todoroki and Bakugou fighting each other the entire time trying to get ahead. You payed them no mind as you continued running. Your feet suddenly stuttered when you came close to the minefield. 'What am i suppose to do now!' you frustratingly thought to yourself.

Without a second thought you decided to just run across it, what's the worst that could ha-

A bomb exploded. Right into your face.

Maybe that could happen.

Getting up you heard another massive explosion, followed by someone flying above you in the air 'what in the...' "MIDORIYA?!" You yelled, watching the green haired boy fly across the mines past everyone, and before you knew it you had come in 5th place.

Running up to Midoriya, you gave him a friendly slap on the back "Good job Midoriya on getting 1st place!" your smile was as bright as the sun as the boys eyes seemed to water "Thank you [y/n]!" agh.. this boy was so cute!

Midnight got on stage to declare the next event, the Calvary battle! She had also announced... Midoriya's headband would be worth ONE MILLION points!! You watched as the timid boy tried to reach out to friends for help, but due to his headband status no one was willing to team with the poor boy. Walking over to him, you spun him around to face you "Midoriya! I'll be on your team!" smiling gently, the boys eyes shot tears like geysers.

Midoriya was on top, You were in the front and Hatsume and Uraraka were the two in the back, the team seems balanced!

"Ready... Set......" a pop went off "GO!"

Hurriedly you rushed away from the crowd, everyone was already on Midoriya, he was a huge target. Tetsutetsu came in rushing toward you all "Midoriya!" you called out "everyone please hold your breath!" you held your hand to your face and let out a gust of wind from your mouth, spores flying towards the team rushing towards your teammates.

In a matter of seconds they seemed to cough and gag, backing off. "YES!" you called out excitedly, but it didn't last long before you could hear an explosive blonde yelling in the distance.

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