00. Prologue

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[y/n] [l/n], a girl born with a twisted quirk. How was she expected to be a hero when she was the horsemen of the apocalypse?


"[y/n]! Stay away from me!"

"Haven't you heard? they say that girl over there is the embodiment of the four horsemen..."

"When you're around, everything seems to go bad. Get out of here"

This was all what [y/n] heard on the daily, her quirk was like no other.

The girl paid no mind to the rude comments she received on the daily from her fellow students, she had her eye on the prize and wouldn't let someones fear of her power drag her away from her dream of being a hero. She walked with her head held high while she walked to her class, it was the last day after all. Making her way to the back of the class to claim her seat, she made eye contact with a green haired boy. Midoriya was his name, someone [y/n] never paid mind to, only every talking to him to borrow a pencil or two. He was a sweet boy from what [y/n] had observed, although a particular blond loved to relentlessly harass him on the daily.

He was quirkless, something [y/n] kind of envied in the back of her mind. "So.. I'm guessing you all want to become heroes?" the [h/c] girl snapped her head to the front of the class, she'd been day dreaming all day, not paying mind to anything the teacher had been going on about. Everyone in class erupted into happy yelling, everyone flashing their quirks around like shiny prizes. "Alright, alright! settle down, you all know the rules about quirk usage within school!" she watched as the class calmed down a tad, the teacher continued "i figure you all want to apply for UA to become heroes?" the class erupted again in excitement, of course everyone wanted to be a hero, it was practically everyone's dream!

"Bakugou, you will be applying for UA correct? I look forward to hopefully seeing one of my students in such a prestigious school!" the blond boy sat up with a shit eating grin on his face "Of course ill get into that school, I'm the best of the best!" he exclaimed, full of pride "All these shits are just extras" [y/n] found her face contorting, 'How can he be so confident that he will make it, let alone get a chance to take the exam?' [y/n] wondered to herself. His quirk definitely one to marvel at, it was flashy, powerful, and fit for a pro hero. She sighed, Bakugou was lucky with such a quirk.

Before [y/n] had knew it, the bell had rang dismissing everyone form the final day of school. Standing up the girl grabbed all of her stuff, basically rushing to the door to get home. On her way out, she felt herself slam a shoulder with someone, turning to the side her eyes meet a familiar red pair "WATCH IT BITCH!" the hot headed boy spoke with a booming voice, she stared 'should i apologize? he was quiet rude.' lost in though she hadn't noticed she was staring intently at the boy "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT!" [y/n] jumped, snapping out of her trance "My apologize. Didn't mean to stare." her voice was as monotone as possible, in hopes to intimidate the boy before her. "FUCKING BETTER BE!!" [y/n] stood in place, not even batting an eye, her half lidded eyelids still fixated on the puffball.

turning on her heal, she swiftly passing Bakugou, infuriating him once more "OI! BITCH! GET BACK HERE" his screams seemed to fade the further she walked down the hall.


[y/n] made her way down the street, walking at an even pace to home, until she heard a scream. The scream was close, loud, and angry, 'Maybe a villain attack' [y/n] thought to herself, but quickly discarded that thought. Why would something so outlandish happen? Crime rates have been steadily going down recently, it definitely may be something else. Another yell erupted in the air 'Okay... Maybe it is a villain attack.' [y/n] thought, sprinting to the loud screams of some unknown victim.

Plagued. | Various!BNHA x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя