06. Exhausted

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At this point, your injuries from the attack had healed, the internal weight you had to carry was immense. You still woke up in cold sweats to the words the oh-so-real All Might had said to you. But none of it mattered now, right? The sports festival is soon so you'd need to focus on that.

There was plenty of conflicting feelings about the sports festival still being held, the villain attack has been making everyone feel on edge lately. From what you were told by Aizawa the festival was still being held to prove that UA was safe, which is respectable. You had no idea what to expect from this sports festival, it seemed as if everyone had watched it but you, leaving you in the dark.

Days pass as your training became more grueling, pushing yourself past your limits more and more.

it was exhausting.

Dust kicked up as your leg swung around, slamming into the person-like punching bag creating a THUD sound. Your breath was uneven and ragged as your hands set on top of your knees. "Fuck." sucking in air through your gritted teeth, you stood straight up again eager to continue your brutal solo training. Red electric-like sparks licked your hands as your fist slammed into the dummy once more.

That's when a shot of pain strung up your arm. "FUCK ME!" practically spazzing to the ground, you cradled your arm on the ground in a fetal position, tears swelling into your eyes.

You seamlessly strolled through the doors of UA, eyes half-lidded and visible purple underneath your lash line. "Guessing you didn't get your beauty sleep last night, Huh [y/n]?" Denki joked "Shut it fuckface." you didn't mean to be that rude, but with the lack of sleep it was hard not to get snappy 'is this how Bakugou feels..?' found yourself wondering.

Trudging to your seat, your books seemed to hit harder then you intended, drawing a few eyes from your peers. In reality, you were too sleep-deprived to truly care that half the classes eyes were staring you down currently, you just really really wanted a nap... or maybe even coffee. Plopping into your seat, you laid back. Your head gently resting on the back of the chair as you blankly stared at the white ceiling above you.

Something, or better yet, someone kicks your desk "Ay Bubonic plague, snap the fuck out of it." a gruff but low voice taunts towards you. Your tired [e/c] met the oh-so-familiar red ones that seemed to be staring daggers at you "Whats fucking with you today rat?" shrugging, you averted your gaze towards the window "I dunno..." taking in a long breath, you sighed "Just tired"

It was strange for Bakugou, out of all fucking people, to talk to you. Let alone show some type of interest or concern with anyone, especially you, someone he hadn't properly met. You unknowingly squinted your eyes at the boy, maintaining eye contact. The blonde clicked his tongue in obvious annoyance "HEY!" he motioned his head closer to yours in efforts to hopefully scare you.

Your blank, almost lifeless stare focused on him. At this point he let out a string of swears, turning around as Aizawa finally made his way in to continue the usual class.

At the end of the day, your brain was practically on autopilot. Trudging slowly down the sidewalk mindlessly, subconsciously knowing the way home as your glossed over eyes stared down at the cracks in the sidewalk. Amid your adventure home, you had walked straight into someone, knocking you from the trance the sidewalk had put you into somehow.

"Ah, sorry. Probably should have been paying more attention." your eyes met an unfamiliar pair of blue ones. You could hardly see the man's face, but in the remaining sunlight, you could see something shining on his face from under his hood. "No worries doll." you could have sworn you saw the man crack a smile.

The tall figure walked around you "I'll be on my way, make sure to pay attention now, [y/n] [l/n]." the way the man turned his head over his shoulder you could barely see the distinct scarring on his face. Standing in shock, you didn't respond.

How did he know your name? Who was this guy? His eyes seemed... So familiar, but for what reason? You hadn't met this man in your entire life.

Before you could even muster up the courage to talk, he was already out of sight, practically gone. Scrunching your face, you turned to continue your walk home, paying attention to what was in front of you now.

Flinging the door open to your house, you took off your shoes before walking down the hallway, creaking your room door open. Closing it gently behind you, you jumped into your bed still in your school uniform, ready to go to bed.

The door to the bar opened slowly, a patchworked boy sliding in "Ay Shig" a gruff voice called out "Listen to this."

Throwing the hoodie he once wore onto the chair, he took a seat next to the hand infested member. "You won't believe who I wan into while scanning the area." although the sentence seemed enthusiastic, his tone was filled with boredom. The itchy man scratched at his neck "What is it Dabi?" he growled "I ran into [y/n]." a cheeky smile spread across the raven-haired male.
Shigaraki cocked his head "The girl with the plague-like quirk?"

the dark-haired boy nodded in response "Yep. She looks even weaker up close." a small chuckle followed this statement before another voice spoke up "I wouldn't be so quick to judge Dabi." the ghoulish butler said, cleaning one of the recent bar glasses "That girl has something brewing deep inside her." Dabi only let out a small 'tch' in response, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat on the couch.
"Listen, Babysitter, I could burn that dolls face easily. She wouldn't put up a fight." Kurogiri just shook his head "I suppose so, but be warned. I feel as if something detrimental is bound to happen."


Hi im alive, anyways

i thought it would make it interesting if the reader caught the Leagues interest, it would make sense considering the readers strangely rare quirk. Idk, i have a vague idea of where i want this to branch off to guess we will have to wait and see ;)

Plagued. | Various!BNHA x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora