04. Was I Hearing You Correctly?

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A long day of hero-shenanigan's you had finally reached your humble abode, opening the door and practically zombie walking towards your bedroom. Plopping onto your bed after taking a hot shower, you found yourself immediately falling asleep.

AN abrupt and certainly annoying sound had awoken you out of a deep slumber, turning over your fist slammed into the top of your alarm clock. Reluctantly, you pulled your body up and rubbed your eyes, fixing your vision. The time read 7:45, jumping out of your bed and hurriedly putting on your uniform. 'fuck! I cant be late on the second day!' you grabbed a buttered slice of toast and practically inhaled it before darting out the front door and down the side walk.

"Sorry-! Pardon me! ah- excuse me!" brushing past and slamming a few shoulders with some civilians, you had finally found yourself back at UA. Looking down at your phone the time now read 7:57 "Ah! just in time!" rushing in you had finally made it to class, swiftly dipping into the class room and catching a desk with your palm.

'Aww yeah!'

The bell rang, you were safe form the wrath of being scolded for being late. Aizawa walks in tiredly, turning to the class "We will be picking a student body president today." his tone was monotone, as always.

After all the votes had been counted up, it was displayed who had won:

Izuku Midoriya

You made your way to the green haired boy, patting him on the back and startling the poor boy "Congratulations Midoriya!" Your smile was so bright it could have practically lit up the entire room "I'm proud of you!" after finishing your statement, he burst into tears "You really think so!?" giving him a hardy laugh "Of course Dori'" the boy was practically in awe at this on-the-spot nickname you had just given him.

The wonderful moment was short lived as an alarm went off. Hurriedly, everyone rushed out of the classroom in a blind panic. A familiar voice loud and stern was heard from behind you, it was Iida! "Please stay calm everyone and move in an orderly fast paced action!" turning, you noticed no one was paying attention to him.

Nudging Uraraka you whispered into her ear an idea, she beamed "Thats a great idea!" and with that the plan was settled.

With no time to waste, Iida was flying above the crowd instructing everyone to calm down. A little later the alarm finally stopped and a voice over the speaker spoke.

"Do not worry everyone! A journalist just set off our alarm, nothing to worry about, please return to your classes."

And with that said all the panic ceased, everyone turning back to go to their respective classes. Heading into the room, Aizawa was somehow asleep in a yellow sleeping bag, but he shortly woke up to discuss what would be happening today "Get your hero costumes on, we will be getting on the bus and heading over to the USJ."

With no hesitation, you rose from your seat and walked straight out the door, snatching your hero costume on the way to the changing room from your locker.

Meeting everyone outside, you saw Midoriya talking with Iida, walking closer you could finally hear what they were discussing

"Iida, you displayed such good student body president behavior, so I think... you should have the title instead" Iida was in shock, and you saw them go back in forth until finally Iida agreed to take the title Midoriya was handing to him.

Soon Iida took on his new title and put it to good use, instructing everyone to get onto the bus in an orderly fashion. Wiggling your way through the door of the bus, you made your way to an empty seat next to a froggy looking female. Plopping down next to the girl, you offered your hand "Hello!" You greeted "Im [y/n] [l/n]! But i'd prefer if you called me [y/n]" the girl smiled "Ribbit, im Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsuyu" "Alright! Nice to meet you Tsuyu!"

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