𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Sometime over the two weeks in Italy Zayn had stopped using the room that was supposed to be his altogether. Their days were simple, almost mundane but they were perfect. They would have their tea and Harry would catch up on business over breakfast on the back porch with a breathtaking view of the beach, they would then go out and explore a little tiny bit of the town, they had found a little café with arguably the best muffins and the sweetest old lady behind the counter who ran the whole thing out of her kitchen, a cute little record store tucked into a little corner of a side street stuffed full of amazing music both old and new, Zayn had teased Harry about finding his music in there for hours. When they made it back they would watch episodes of trash T.V. really didn't matter the language of the shows, if it wasn't plain old english they would go for whatever random show was on and make up the dialogue as they went they usually ate while they enjoyed whatever shit show they felt like that day and at the end of the day Zayn would fall asleep in Harry's arms. The Amalfi coast was a magical place and you couldn't convince Zayn otherwise.

He had been so wrapped up in all of this that he hadn't even texted Eric or Adylyn after he'd called Eric to let her know they'd landed two weeks ago. He had a feeling she'd have a few choice words for him so here he was nervously trying to get her on video call hoping she wasn't too mad.


Harry was at a loss. He had just gotten off the phone with the Superintendent of The Metropolitan Police and they had called to let them know that Trevor had in fact been located, that he had ditched the hotel room he had been staying at and gone on the run but his face had been plastered all over everywhere so soon enough someone had called in a lead and he was back in police custody. So technically this meant that they could go back to London and Harry could get back to work.

There was something about being here though, there was a weird electricity in the air. He knew something in the dynamic of his and Zayn's relationship had shifted, he couldn't really say what it was but he loved it. Zayn had a weird hold on him. How carefree he was here, how he looked like he enjoyed watching crap T.V. with Harry and loved the little spaces around the town they had claimed as their own. Harry never wanted to leave. Try as he might Harry had to admit to himself that he was going to have trouble falling asleep if Zayn weren't in his arms anymore. Something just fit.

He had heard something about a travel ban because of the pandemic and he was weirdly thankful for it. He knew however that he had to tell Zayn about Trevor being caught and if Zayn said he wanted to go back that was what they would do. As Harry made his was to the hall where he knew Zayn was on a call with Eric and Adylyn he heard a squeal that made him rush into the room to find Zayn with his hands covering his mouth with large teary eyes looking at his screen.
" What's happened?" Harry enquired only to have Zayn turn the screen around to face him and on it was Eric who was being held by Adylyn from behind, " What's the squealing about then? " Harry asked with a slight chuckle looking at Eric and Adylyn's grinning faces.

Eric smiled up at Adylyn before lifting her left hand to the camera to show a beautiful opal ring on her finger and said, " This idiot asked, I said yes."

Which earned her a slap on the arm from Adylyn

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Which earned her a slap on the arm from Adylyn. Harry laughed, after replying with a congratulations and then he moved to sit next to Zayn so that he too could see them as Zayn asked for details and Eric went on excitedly about the best night in with Pizza and movies and how she had been gifted different things she loved all through the week leading up to it and Adylyn asked her on the 7th day of this little gifting spree cause Eric had a weird thing about the number 7.

Over the six months of Zayn living with him he'd obviously begun speaking a lot more but never like this. He went rambling for hours, happily going on all sorts of tangents planning all of Eric and Adylyn's future for them. It was very endearing to watch and Harry could sit here and watch him do that as long as he would let him. Instead of one of their little streaks around the city they spent that afternoon catching up with Eric and Adylyn and they only realized how long they'd spoken for when they looked out to see that the sun had already set.

Zayn declared he was going to cook them something to celebrate their friends' engagement which Harry pointed out they weren't going to be there for and Zayn just laughed and insisted it was the thought that mattered. So that is what they did. Harry wasn't going to do nothing so they made pasta and chicken and Harry added some sprouts much to Zayn's disgust and then he baked a pie to try and placate a sulking Zayn.

They took their plates out into the back porch and just as they were about to begin eating Harry remembered something, " I got a call from the police today." Zayn froze with his white wine mid way up to his lips, put the glass down on the table and turned to Harry. " Oh no, it's good news. Trevor's back in custody." Zayn's face relaxed before he seemed to realise something and his expression seemed a little sadder, " Does this mean we're going back now? " Harry smiled, " Not if you don't want to." Zayn laughed and said they will never be going back then and finally proceeded to drink his wine. They spent the rest of the evening celebrating an engagement that happened in another country.

The Amalfi Coast was a magical place.

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