𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲

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Zayn didn't ever picture himself in the situation he was currently in. For one he was around three new people and wasn't terrified and second he was hanging out with One Direction. He was hanging out with Harry and his friends who just also happened to be One Direction. He knew his life had taken a strange turn but he had started to let that thought take a back burner and enjoy the days as they came. He had needed to let life just happen to him for a while.

It also helped that the boys were great. They were each funny and friendly in their own right and Zayn was now convinced more than ever that Harry's life only consisted of the nicest of people. He was having fun, Niall had brought in the food since he loved things a certain way and the other boys didn't really fight him on anything food related. After that there had been video games and movies and now the four boys were catching up, Zayn wanted to give them their time so he was out on Harry's balcony looking at the view. Harry's view of London really was something else, he could fill sketchbooks with just scenes he sees from his various windows and balconies and especially now in the evening when the lights in the city have come on it takes on an ethereal beauty.


He must have been out on the balcony a while because soon Harry's out on the balcony next to him and nudging his shoulder slightly like he'd done a few times now, it had become like their little greeting, " The guys are about to leave if you wanted to come out and say bye." Zayn nodded eagerly and made his way to the three men putting their shoes on at the door after exchanging hugs goodbye and numbers they each made their way to their respective cars and soon it was just Zayn and Harry again.

When he made it back to the lounge Harry was already setting up the television for their routine movie before bed when Zayn's phone rang, he picked it up not really bothered that it was an unknown number while he settled himself next to Harry on the massive couch,
" Hello."
" You really thought you were just gonna get me locked up and you could get away with ruining my fucking life didn't you."
Zayn felt all the blood drain from his face, he would recognize that scratchy tone of voice anywhere.
" What not going to say anything? Still hiding behind your little superstar buddy? Tell me Zayn how is he going to protect you when he wasn't even smart enough to get you to change your number."
Zayn was shaking, he could feel it. His body was sinking in on itself like just that voice was putting it back into the dark pit it had been for three years.

Harry must have noticed something was wrong cause he looked up from his own phone that he was scrolling through while he waited for Zayn to be done with his phone call and now looked at him in worry, " Zayn, what's wrong?" But his voice sounded so far away, muffled like he was speaking from another plane. There was one voice that was too loud however, almost reverberating in Zayn's head and it was speaking again,
" I bet you forgot that your family died today didn't you? You were so wrapped up in your pathetic little life after getting me thrown in the slammer you forgot that your entire family burnt to death four years ago today."
Zayn had now started crying which caused Harry to snatch the phone away from him and talk into it himself. Zayn couldn't really tell what was being said on either end, he felt like he was under water but the way Harry's face drained of all colour he could tell Harry knew.

After he'd cut the call he rushed to Zayn who was on the verge of a full panic attack at this point and held him to his chest, tight while he let it all out. He cried out of frustration and fear and utter all consuming sadness. He sobbed till his throat burned because he felt like a horrible person for having forgotten that he had in fact lost his whole family four years ago today. He would have noticed if he kept track of the dates, but he hadn't and now he had been reminded in the worst way possible. He was also frustrated, he was so frustrated because his life had finally started making sense again and all it took was one phone call to bring down the house of cards he had built for himself.

He had gotten Harry's expensive looking silk shirt all wet but Harry didn't seem to notice he instead held his face up and made sure their eyes met when he said in a clear voice, " Zayn listen, none of this is your fault. I am going to call the police and find out how he could have made that call and what the situation is. I am not going to let anything happen to you I promise." Zayn nodded slightly and Harry said he had to call the police immediately and left with his phone to the kitchen after making sure Zayn had settled a little bit. As if sensing his emotional state Eric and Adylyn's pets had come up on the couch and placed themselves around Zayn with Jason curling up on his lap.

Harry walked in what must have been about fifteen minutes later and he looked like he'd seen a ghost. He took a few breaths, and steeled himself before facing Zayn, " Okay, here's what we are going to do, we are going to get you a whole new phone okay and then after Eric and Adylyn pick these guys up tomorrow we are going to go to Italy for a bit while the police figure out this whole situation okay."
Zayn couldn't help but ask, " What's happened? What did the police say?"
Harry almost looked like he didn't want to tell Zayn and seemed to have a debate within his own mind about what he was going to say before maybe putting it in the simplest way he knew how, " Trevor's escaped, he got out two nights ago and the police and prison officials have been hunting him down since. They think he is going to try and find my address cause he assumes you will be with me after he saw me at the precinct with you so they suggested that we go some place else while they figure this out."

Nothing after Trevor escaping had really registered in Zayn's mind. There was a ringing in his ears. He felt numb all over almost like he was being dipped in hot lava and a frozen lake at the same time.

Peace rarely lasts.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Where stories live. Discover now