𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫

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There was something about the sun rays shining in his face being what woke him up that momentarily transported him back to waking up in his own room, in his very comfortable bed; warm and happy. For a moment in his mind he was 16, waiting for his mum to call out to him to wake him up for school. This short lived fantasy passed as soon as it started however cause the tiniest movement shoots searing pain up his ass through his whole body. He must have fallen asleep without realising, the exhaustion of everything catching up with him. He could hear Trevor still in the house, quick footsteps as he gathered his things before leaving for work. Zayn stay laying down after he heard the door shut for a long enough time that he knew for sure Trevor wouldn't be returning to retrieve forgotten items. Once he was certain he was gone he made his way off of the couch still in an excruciating amount of pain and made his way into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

Zayn wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his day, sure he spent most of his days sketching but he somehow wasn't in the mood for it today. He thought it best to clean up around the house, the house wasn't dirty by any means; Zayn was home all day most days and he liked having his area clean but he hadn't really taken everything out and cleaned the place in a few days.

He put on his playlist and got to work, it calmed him cleaning the place with music on in the background. Doing absolutely anything with music on in the background calmed him actually. Harry had put out three new songs from his upcoming album and Zayn had thoroughly enjoyed all of them, he really was looking forward to this album, he had a really good feeling about it. He had heard about the listening parties Harry had been having for his album with his fans, he really liked the idea of it.

He realised something that made him stop mid sweep while cleaning the floor of the kitchen, he hadn't heard of a listening party in London yet. Maybe if it was happening in one of the coming days he could go. He got to where he had left his phone playing songs on the table in the living room and searched for any information he could find on any event of the sort that maybe happening. He was happy to have checked when he did cause as it turned out there was a listening party in two days and the location wasn't all that far from where he lived. He was terrified of asking Trevor if he could go to this event however, he knew there was no hope of him ever being able to go here alone but he didn't know if he would even be allowed to go with Trevor accompanying him. It didn't hurt to ask however and he wasn't scared of possibly being hit again, he would never get used to it but after two years the fear had subsided. He would bring it up during dinner that night. With that thought in mind he got back to cleaning.

Later in the evening

Unlike the evening before when Trevor got home that night he was alone he also seemed distracted by something . He got home and passed his bag and coat to Zayn calmly without the action being followed by some sort of shove to the wall or a punch. Zayn knew something was up but he didn't really care to ask, he instead made his way to the take out container Trevor had placed on the kitchen counter and began placing the boxes on the table, they were having Chinese then. As he was placing plates on the table Trevor came back into the room, " Did you clean up? " His voice sounded different, softer than Zayn had heard it in three years and he noticed that Zayn cleaned the house; he never usually did. " Uh, yeah. I had nothing else to do." Trevor looked down and replied with a, " Okay, it looks nice." And sat down to eat. Most of dinner passed by in silence right up until the end when Zayn brought up what he wanted to ask of Trevor, " Uh, there is this listening party I was hoping to attend that is happening in two days. Would you possibly be willing to let me go?" Zayn expected to be hit right about then but instead came the reply of, " What time is it? " Zayn told Trevor the event was at 7P.M. and Trevor said he'd take him to it, put his napkin by his plate on the counter and made his way into his room, closing and locking the door. Zayn sat in silence in the kitchen for a long time, he had absolutely no clue what had happened. It didn't look like Trevor was going to be coming back out and he was very aware that it was the first night in three years that they were alone in the house and he hadn't been hit and that he'd been allowed to go to this listening party with no resistance whatsoever. Laying on his couch that night Zayn found it difficult to sleep for a whole other reason than the one he'd gotten used to. He had no idea what had happened with Trevor's sudden change in behaviour but he had a feeling it wouldn't last.

Zayn had just drifted off to a light sleep when the sounds of shuffling in the room woke him up, he lay there trying to listen and see if it sounded like an intruder that was trying to rob the place but the footsteps didn't sound rushed at all. After a while he heard the front door close softly, this prompted him to turn around and reach for his phone that was laying on the coffee table. It was nearly 4A.M. and from what it looked like Trevor had just left. Zayn didn't really understand why the fact that Trevor was leaving at such an odd hour had worried him. Zayn obviously did not love Trevor at all any more but his company was all he had known for a while now; he made sure of it. Zayn was still a little too groggy to worry about it any more and found himself drifting off to a much more comfortable sleep now that he was actually alone.

Trevor hadn't come home for the entirety of the next day and Zayn had a feeling that when he did things were going to be really difficult. He wasn't wrong at all, although things were far worse than difficult. Trevor came home at nearly 12A.M. shrouded with the smell of cheap alcohol and stumbling all over the place, as soon as he stepped in he had some choice words for Zayn. Cursing him out for being a burden on him and pushing him straight onto the Kitchen counter top leading Zayn to loose his footing and hit the side of the counter really hard, he then held him by the collar of his shirt and held him up against the wall nearly picking him off of his feet and went on and on about having done something for no reason at all and how none of it was worth it and how now he has to always look over his shoulder for fear of getting caught. Zayn had no idea what he was on about but that was soon the last thing on his mind as the punches started landing. Trevor really went in this time, using more than just his hands. There was a glass vase at some point which led to a pretty deep gash on Zayn's hand from him trying to defend himself.

Zayn was left tending to his wounds when Trevor made his way to bed when he seemed to tire himself out. The next day Zayn had genuinely not been able to wake up before 4P.M. his worn out body just couldn't handle that and it was that that led to him changing out his bandages after a shower when Trevor walked in at 6:45 and said they were leaving now for Zayn's, " stupid music thing " or he could forget about it. It wasn't even a question for Zayn. He was gonna go out which he hadn't done in weeks and he could distract his mind from everything else going on in his life. He picked up the large manila envelope where he had put a sketch of Harry he had made and put on his coat quietly and stood next to Trevor who was waiting at the door for Trevor to give his outfit a once over and lead them out.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Where stories live. Discover now