𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The tone of this part is slightly different to the way things have been till this point. There is also a lot of very crucial information here. I am sorry if that might be too much but I had to get this information out in one piece.

Also Zayn isn't in this part but he'll be back for the next. :)

Harry couldn't stop thinking about the note left by the boy who he now knew as Zayn. Something about the way he looked, the way he was handled by the man he was with along with the note painted a picture for Harry he didn't want to consider till he had more definite proof. The downside of him doing what he did though was that if he were to go out and start asking around about a certain brown eyed boy it wouldn't be long before everyone knew and that wouldn't be an ideal situation so Harry did what he thought was best. He put his best man or in this case woman on it. Eric had been looking in on the situation for 3 weeks now, ever since Harry told her about it during one of his photoshoots a day after meeting Zayn. She was one of his photographers, he had brought her onto the team on Hélene's recommendation and was very impressed with her work.

Currently however she was working on a project very different from her usual line of work albeit she had needed a little bit of persuasion, cause as she put it she wasn't gonna go on a wild goose chase cause Harry had a hunch and the boy left a note; fans would go to any lengths to get attention after all. She was on her way to Harry's, she had called earlier that day for the first time in 3 weeks; Harry had actually been worried both for her and Zayn but she clarified that she wanted to come to him only when she thought she had a considerable amount of solid evidence that something was wrong. Harry found himself looking out the window every fifteen minutes or so just to see if she was there yet, he knew he was acting completely out of it but this felt like a step in the right direction, like maybe once Harry understood the situation he could try and help. He didn't feel like he was sitting in the byline watching someone be in a potentially very dangerous situation completely helpless. He didn't know why he felt like he almost desperately needed to help Zayn but he really did feel like until he knew that the boy was safe he couldn't get him self to rest. As soon as he heard his doorbell ring he near sprinted to let Eric in.

He greeted Eric at the door and invited her in with a hug once seated comfortably Eric started almost immediately, " Well the first few days were slightly difficult cause all I did have was a first name it helped though that the first name I had was pretty unique. I went to the precinct claiming to be a student looking to join the force in the future and eventually after a few days of visiting incessantly and praising the officers unnecessarily on every little thing they did I managed to make friends with a few of the officers."

Taking a sip of the coffee Harry had handed her she continued, " I brought up his name casually in conversation one day to try and see if I could at least get a last name, I expected them to have records of all the people anyway and maybe pictures so I could match one of the people they showed me to the description you gave me. I didn't expect the amount of information I got for that one source though."

"So turns out we lucked out because Zayn's father used to be a detective in the department which is how I could find out about him with just his first name. Zayn used to visit the precinct a lot. His mother was a very well known plastic surgeon, the family was very well off. Zayn had three sisters, one older and two younger.

One evening when Zayn was 20 and out with his boyfriend his house burnt down. Zayn discovered the scene when he made it back, his boyfriend was the one to place the call to police. They found the bodies of his entire family in the house, sadly they had all perished. His boyfriend almost immediately offered to have Zayn move in."

She paused for a second and had a contemplative look on her face," Here is where it gets tricky, at the time the fire was considered accidental; Zayn was told that one of the gas lines had leaked and that had eventually caused the fire when someone in the house must have lit a candle or something. They had only told that to Zayn however to let him try and get over the shock and pain of losing his family without the additional burden that the police didn't believe the fire was accidental.

The gas line had been cut and the cut was too clean for it to be something that occurred from wear and tear, this was an intentional cut and when they looked inside the house they found molten wax in the middle of the hallway in multiple different points and as far as I am aware people don't usually light candles up and down their hallway on the floor.

Over and above all of this, Zayn's parents had prepared for a situation where maybe something were to happen to them their kids would never suffer. They had huge trust funds set up for all of their kids and both the parents had massive life insurance policies and if anything were to happen to either of them everything would go to their kids. The officers don't think Zayn's been informed of the money he's owed however because they have looked into the identity of the person that makes withdrawals from the vast funds left for Zayn by his family and it hasn't once been him.
It was always his boyfriend Trevor Alexander Noah.

The same person the police had entrusted the duties of informing Zayn of this money. They did confront him about these withdrawals he had been making and he had told them it was to pay for Zayn's University tuition. The police have no idea where he currently lives however cause as far as they are aware his living arrangement with his boyfriend wasn't supposed to be a permanent thing and even then Trevor's moved houses a few times."

That really was too much information much too quick, Harry was just about to suck in a long breath to try and make sense of all he had learnt when Eric cut in with, " It doesn't end there." And then continued excitedly on, " Okay so the police only knew the school Zayn had gone to and not the University this Trevor guy seemed to be withdrawing money to pay for so I went to his school, to the administrative department and said I was Zayn's grief consultant and made up some story about how he hadn't shown up in a few days and I was worried which motivated the woman to let me have a look at Zayn's files to try and understand my apparently shut off client. I found the university he had gone to and made my way there."

She paused and looked uncomfortably at Harry before speaking again, " This is the really strange bit, Zayn had gotten into this university with a hundred percent scholarship so there were supposed to be no tuition fees that needed paying and even weirder Zayn had dropped out without ever handing in a formal notice. He had just stopped showing up for classes one day. They also gave me his last known address which is an apartment registered to Trevor Alexander Noah."

Harry and Eric remained quiet after she had finished sharing all she had learnt, Harry quite honestly didn't know what to say. He looked to Eric's face hoping she could tell him what he should do. " Thing is," she said " police are certain there is a money angle to this. They feel like Trevor has been trying to profit off of all the money left to Zayn. They also think he was responsible for the fire in some capacity but it is all just speculation at this point and they have no way of tying the fire to him. " Harry remained quiet so she continued, " And about the feeling you said you had about how he was being treated the police have nothing on that cause Zayn has never filed a report with police against Trevor of any kind. "

" Thank you so much for doing this, I really don't know where I would have even started if I was only given a name to go off of." Harry finally said looking up at her. " Don't worry about it, I liked it. Made me feel quite like Sherlock Holmes." She replied with a slight smile trying to elevate the tension the revelations had brought upon them and Harry chuckled.

" What should we do?" Harry asked her. Clearly at a loss now. " Well I was actually going to go to his place right after I met up with you. I wanted to see if there was any truth to the weird feelings you had." She said having already made up her mind.

Harry wasn't sure however, what if she hurt herself somehow or worse. He didn't know what Trevor was capable of and if the police's intuitions are correct he was potentially very dangerous and he didn't want to put a friend in harms way. When he expressed these concerns to her she promised she wouldn't approach the flat if she thought Trevor was in or if there seemed to be any danger of any sort. She said she'd be safe and after talking a little more she was out the door saying she'd meet him again the next morning.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ