𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐞

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Regardless of Harry saying they were going to leave for Italy the very next day they couldn't do that. They couldn't actually leave for a week, Harry had commitments and places to be at and he had tried but he couldn't reschedule and cancel everything because Zayn's literal nightmare of an ex showed up. Zayn spent that week terrified out of his mind, Harry did go out and buy him a new phone however and despite Zayn insisting on paying for it himself Harry told him to save the money his parents left him for University. So if nothing else he wasn't going to be getting any unwarranted calls.

He hadn't really been drawing or anything the past week cause his mind wouldn't rest long enough to allow him to focus on any one thing. Because Harry wanted to leave in a week his work load had doubled, he left very early and came back very late. He had nearly tripled the security around the house and sometimes Eric but mostly Adylyn always seemed to be over.

Today however they were finally leaving for Italy, both Eric and Adylyn had slept over in the guest bedroom to see them off. It was Tuesday and a whole week after the call that made Zayn imagine every little creak outside his window to be someone trying to break in. He had been so on edge this week that he'd had to call Clara multiple times at all times of the day and crazy hours of the night, he was so indebted to her for answering every single time and talking to him in the same calm and understanding tone she always did. This was a setback she said, but they weren't starting from square one cause this time Zayn's got people that won't let that monster get within even his general radius.

The flight to Italy was really early in the morning, 4A.M. to be specific they left Harry's home at 2:30 after goodbye hugs and promises to call when they land to Eric and Adylyn clinging onto each other in sleep . Harry said he wanted to avoid fans probably finding out that he was going to be at the airport cause he didn't think their location plastered all over the internet was what Zayn needed. They made it into the private space they had to wait at while they got Harry's private plane ready for him with barely any hitch, just a few airport staff and overnight travelers asking for pictures and autographs. Harry usually just traveled in normal passenger planes but he had requested a private plane this time cause he needed their destination to remain a secret.

This time round, not being mid argument with Harry, Zayn could appreciate the plush interiors of the plane they were in. Although the circumstances under which they were in said plane were glaringly clear the plane was beautiful. It was moments like these when who Harry was really hit Zayn and how he found the kindness in his heart to help a person like Zayn as much as he had warmed his heart. The guy made it very difficult to not love him.


Zayn had fallen asleep at some point in the 14 and a half hour flight with a book on his lap. He had woken up to the book being put away in front of him and with a little blanket on him. Harry was asleep on the other seat as well and watching his eyes fluttering cause of what Zayn would hope were good dreams made him realise he'd never seen Harry sleep before. It was a peaceful sight that brought a very subconscious smile to his lips. He was jerked out of his reverie when a flight attendant walked in and smiled at him before politely asking if he was ready for food yet. Zayn replied in the affirmative after which she proceeded to gently shake Harry awake and asked him the same question.

Sitting in front of each other, each with a blanket on their laps and plates of really too delicious to be airplane food, catching up on their weeks felt really domestic to Zayn. He realized with a slight shudder that he would be willing to do this with Harry really anywhere. It wouldn't matter where they were in the world as long as Harry was there. That scared Zayn a little cause it really only had been six months and here he was seeing Harry never leaving his side. It was really too fast and besides he didn't even know where he fit into Harry's life.


Zayn hadn't ever been to Rome or anywhere in Italy before. He had traveled to a lot of places he didn't think possible with Harry but when Harry had had the Gucci shoot which he had to travel to Italy for Zayn's passport hadn't come through so he spent the week Harry had been away with Adylyn.

Rome was beautiful in the most Early Renaissance  way, although the whole city had modernised quite a bit the city retained the beauty of old Rome. Sadly they wouldn't be staying in Rome, Harry promised they were going to visit for a very long time someday but right now they were being driven to The Amalfi Coast at Campania.

The villa they were going to be staying in looked like a dream. This trip was beginning to feel more like a vacation the further they got into it. There was no way this beach front villa in a picturesque Italian town was an escape from a crazed ex. But the brand new phone in his pocket, the small army of security placed in front of the villa and Harry being on the phone almost constantly with the police and the security team back in London made it very clear to Zayn that an escape was exactly what it was.


Maybe it was the new surroundings or the new country altogether but Zayn just couldn't fall asleep. It was a few minutes to 1 A.M. and he knew he was exhausted, he could feel his eyes nearly burn from it but he couldn't get his mind to stop racing. He thought the sound of the waves crashing would lull him right to sleep but even that hadn't worked. He made his way to where Harry said his room would be earlier when he was showing him around and after knocking and getting no answer sheepishly made his way into the room as quiet as he could right up to Harry's sleeping form. He shook him lightly feeling very bad about waking him up, he must have been just as exhausted if not more.

Harry turned towards him a little groggy but as soon as he saw it was Zayn sat up, alert and slightly concerned, " Zayn? Is everything okay? Why aren't you asleep?" Zayn looked down blushing, feeling very grateful that the darkness in the room was shrouding the crimson high on his cheeks, " I just, I can't fall asleep. I'm so sorry." Harry looked at him for a beat before softly smiling  and opened his arms wide while moving over and making space for him in the too large bed, " Come here then, a cuddle is what you need." Zayn crawled in, being way too relieved on not being turned away. He didn't know if it was the warmth of Harry's body next to his or the comfort his arms provided but Zayn was asleep before he even noticed it.

Hey :) sorry for being away so long. I was having a weird little block.

Also please vote for Harry for the three categories at the EMAS and The Billboard chart achievement award.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ