𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐭

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Our perception of people isn't universal, the way we see somebody isn't the way everyone else might and that isn't a new concept to anybody. Your experiences with a person differs your view of them from the view of them anyone else might have. Zayn knew this, it was clear to him that the Harry he saw was probably very different from the Harry anyone else might see. But being here, backstage at Harry's one night only show celebrating the release of Fine Line Zayn sees just how warped his perception of Harry had gotten.

He was obviously aware that Harry was preparing for a world tour and he knew that he was this massive artist. The facts were there for sure but seeing it, tangible and real in the form of an arena full of people that love the man Zayn was thrown head first into the reality if it all. Sure like four months ago he only knew of Harry through his music but the fact that ever since then he had put so much of his time into Zayn's life, into making sure that he was getting better, into making sure that he was the most comfortable he could be. He realised that at the end of each day when they caught up with each other and spoke about their day Harry had been downplaying everything quite a bit. He made it sound like he was preparing for some tiny, hall concert, not a sold out show at The Forum.

Somehow, although he understood that he couldn't justify how he was feeling he was annoyed a little bit. He didn't want to be someone that Harry had to tread on eggshells around, someone who Harry wouldn't express his true excitement for his tour to because he thought talking about Zayn's life was more important. He had thought that the time they spent together meant they were becoming genuine friends. He hated feeling like Harry's little pity project.

While he was crazy grateful for all Harry had done for him he wanted to be an actual functioning friend to him too. He also wanted to stop feeling frustrated because here he was in this show that he was sure so many people would kill to be at and he was festering this crazy frustration. He was picking at that ugly scab of frustration till he knew he was gonna burst from it. He brought himself out of it the best he could and enjoyed the rest of the show or at least tried to. He didn't want Adylyn thinking anything was wrong.

After the show he quickly congratulated Harry with a hug and on him asking if he wanted to go celebrate after said he'd rather not and that he really just wanted to sleep which again Harry being frustratingly caring insisted he'd wait with him till the car came and picked him up. Zayn really just wanted him to go back in to all of the people inside who were waiting to celebrate his literal, bound to be number one album. He didn't want him with him when he really just wanted some time alone to take a breath and get himself to calm down from this annoyance he had built up for himself.

Harry only went back in after Zayn had gotten into the car after making Zayn promise he'd call him once he got to the hotel. And just cause Zayn wanted to be petty he knew he wasn't going to be calling Harry. When he did finally fall asleep that night he really wished he wouldn't have felt that way and just let himself enjoy the night cause this really had the potential of being up there with one of the best times he's ever had.


Zayn recieved a call on the hotel phone in his room at about 4A.M, Eric was on the line and on Zayn picking up she was already screaming not only because of the very loud music on at the background but also because she was clearly angry. " Zayn, what the fuck?!?!?! Harry's been worried sick. You never called to say that you had reached and your phone's off, WHY IS YOUR PHONE OFF?!?!?!" Zayn realised a little too late for Eric's wrath that he had forgotten to put his phone in to charge before he passed out and he was about to apologize when her going on about how Harry's been unable to leave because of all the people here that have come specifically for him but he's been trying to get out for hours cause he thinks he might have to take to the streets to look for Zayn just rubs him the wrong way and he says instead, " Tell Harry I am not five and am perfectly capable of getting to a hotel without him checking up on me every five minutes. Jeez." All he hears is the music as Eric seems to be stunned into silence as he puts the receiver down, turns around and promptly goes back to sleep.


At the airport hangar the next morning the tension was almost palpable. Eric and Adylyn had already left with the rest of the team and Harry and Zayn were traveling together in a private jet that had been provided for Harry. Zayn knew Eric must have told Harry what had happened when she called cause Harry had refused to look at him the whole morning.

Zayn had apologized to Eric however to which she just hugged him and said that they all got in a funk sometimes and that everything was going to be okay. He really did love his friends.

Once they made it on Zayn really didn't have much time to marvel at the first time he'd ever been in a private jet cause Harry began almost immediately, " So you never called to let me know you were fine last night." Zayn tried to be calm about it and just replied with a, " Yeah I'm sorry about that my phone ran out of battery." Harry narrows his eyes at him, " That's not what you told Eric." Which just caused Zayn to huff really loud as he settles himself into a seat that really was way too plush to be something inside of an airplane.

" Can we drop this?"

" No, Zayn. I am sorry but we really can't. I've done my best to try and make you comfortable these past few months and what happened last night that's got you so mad at me? What did I even do?"

" That's just it, isn't it? It's always you trying to make me comfortable, it's about what I did in a day, what I fucking ate in a day and you make your day sound all mundane. When we caught up with each other over dinner I thought we were telling each other things the way they were, I didn't think we were downplaying shit."

" What is that even supposed to mean." Harry looked genuinely confused.

Now already in the air, having taken off at some point Zayn continued frustratedlly on, " I thought we were friends Harry."

" We are." Harry exclaims with an offended look on his face.

" Are we? Cause as far as I am aware you're acting like a guardian I didn't ask for. When I first came to your place and you said we were friends I thought that was something that went both ways. You've been there for me through a lot, you've done so much for me I can never fully comprehend it. I probably can never repay you for any of it but I want to be a genuine friend to you too. Not dead weight, I am tired of being dead weight in people's lives."

Harry spoke with a softer edge to his voice this time round, " You aren't dead weight Zayn. I ask about your day more often than I might tell you about mine because you have come so far from who you were when I first met you that to me the fact that it was me you chose to ask for help to is probably one of the things that makes me proudest. I am certain you'd be able to get better even without my help but just the fact that you chose me makes me so happy. So I don't ask about your day the way I do cause I think you're made of glass I ask cause your strength genuinely inspires me."

Zayn was teary and guilty. He'd misconstrued Harry's concern for pity and he felt horrible about it. So not knowing what else to do he made his way over to Harry's seat and hugged him real tight. This was another thing Zayn had realized, hugging Harry felt amazing.

" Stop making me cry every few days with how sweet you are you idiot."

Zayn's words made Harry chuckle and lightly tickle Zayn's sides which led to him nearly jumping back to his seat. After he apologized for the way he'd behaved and genuinely congratulated Harry for the night before they spent the rest of their flight back home discussing the craziness of the performance and Zayn talking about his favorite tracks from Harry's album.

𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 ( 𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 )Where stories live. Discover now