ஐ Chapter 12

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***** UPDATEDDDD!!!!! EDITED !!! *****

The Twilight Saga: Firelight

Chapter 12: The Blinding Question

Bella's POV


It’s been four months since I first met the love of my life, Edward. I know that sounds bad, but it’s different. We were vampires, he’s been waiting over a hundred years to meet his mate, and I just happened to be that person, so to us, we weren’t moving fast.

We’ve been living on our own in the beautiful house the Cullen’s made for us. Well technically me, but I asked if Edward wanted to move in, which he did. I haven’t gotten over the fact that Edward lives with me, and that he’s mine, though it’s not something anyone could really get used to.

I talked to Charlie a lot these past couple months, we’ve emailed each other, talked on the phone, chatted over webcam, just the usual. Even though I miss him like crazy, I knew I wasn’t aloud near him, not now. Me, the crazy newborn, though none of the Cullen’s believed I was even a vampire, let alone a newborn; because of my super strength.

I’m to ‘tamed’ Emmett says, but I usually just ignore him; It was 1:32pm, Edward and I left our house and were on our way to the main house to see what the others were doing.

As soon as we got there, Edward pulled me onto the couch. He smiled at me, “can I ask you something, Bella?” he whispered in my ear suddenly. I shivered, even though we were both vampires, I couldn’t help the chills that ran down my spine. I always had this feeling, whenever he touched me, or talked to me. Now that you mention it, even when he looked at me!

I looked around the room, and noticed everyone staring at us. Esme, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and even Rosalie, all staring at me! Alice looked a little too excited, as usual, though I’m pretty sure she was the only one who knew what was going on, besides Edward.  

What was going on? I turned back to Edward, nodding my head. I gulped a quick breath of air down my throat, before he pulled me off the couch, and grabbed my hand. Oh no!

He pulled out a little box from his pocket, and got down on one knee. I couldn’t the gasp that escaped my lips as he did. He opened, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. A huge smile was plastered on his face, “Isabella Swan, I promise to love you ever moment of forever, will you marry me?” He asked me in a musical voice, the voice I fell in love with.

Bells were ringing in my ear; I wanted to say so many things. Of course! I wanted to tell him, of course I’ll marry you! I mean, who wouldn’t? But the words weren’t coming out.  I felt guilt shoot through me as I stared at him in front of me for what seemed like hours.

Until finally I had enough strength, and nodded my head, “Yes,” I whispered. His smile seemed to get even bigger, if that were even possible; he got up off of his one knee, and picked me up off the ground, crushing me into a hug.

There was so much passion, so much love. This moment couldn’t be any more perfect. Edward and I, living together, married. We could love each other forever, which was exactly what I wanted.

Alice started jumping up and down. “There is so much to do! So little time, I have to make the guest list; the house has to be perfect, and the dress!” She ran over to Edward and me, she kissed my cheek, and then hugged us both. I didn’t even have time to tell her she could plan the wedding before she already knew! Damn future teller…

“Don’t forget to order three bride mate dresses, you, Esme and Rose,” I yelled after her. I just made my mind up now, so she didn’t have time to see it, thank goodness! She giggled, she actually giggled! I didn’t know the pixel could giggle. “Oh, thank you Bella!” She called back.

How could she have not known this? She was the future teller after all. If she wanted she could have probably searched for it. Though I kept on changing my mind, but it was easy to piece out.

I looked back at Edward, my love, my soon to be husband. He noticed me staring, and smiled at me, before he lifted my chin, so he could lean down to kiss me. Could life get any better?

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