Chapter 21- Harley

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Anyways, two years later- Graduation

"Yes! We did it, gays! We're graduating!" MJ cheers, hitting me on my arm as we walk over to where Ned and Peter are getting ready. 

"Not gay." Ned and I say at the same time. 

MJ frowns at us. 

"Nor are you any fun." She grumbles. 

"Don't worry, MJ, I'm still gay." Peter laughs, and MJ smiles. 

"Alright, everyone line up! We'll call your name, and you'll go on stage and get your diploma, before sitting in the audience. Then we'll release you to take photos." Mr. Harrison announces. Ned grins, and we shuffle into a line. 

"Are you so excited, I'm so excited." Peter whispers to me.

"Of course I'm excited, we're graduating." I whisper back, before looking at my shoes as Mr. Harrison shushes us.

The four of us look at each other and start laughing. 

Quietly of course. 

But not that quietly. 

Mr. Harrison comes back and shushes us a second time, setting us all off again. 

"Michelle Jones!" One of the other teachers motions for MJ to go on stage. 

MJ growls softly, "It's MJ." before following her on stage to get her diploma. 

Ned, Peter and I cheer softly. 

Minutes pass in silence. 

They're going alphabetically, which means Ned is next, than me, than Peter. 

"Ned Leeds!" The same lady calls, ushering Ned onto stage. 

We cheer silently, before getting shushed a third time by an exasperated Mr. Harrison, who has been walking back and forth shushing every group of friends. 

"You're next," Peter whispers, nudging my shoulder. 

I grin. 

"Harls, I just wanted to say, I'm proud of you. You've been through some shit, but you conquered, and you did it by yourself. It's braver than anything I've ever done." Peter tells me, looking at his feet. 

I turn to face him fully.  

"Thanks, Peter. I love you." Peter hugs me, right as I hear my name being called. 

"Harley Rogers-Stark!" I break the hug and finger gun at my younger brother, before spinning and walking on stage. 


"WE GRADUATED!" Peter runs over to where we're all standing. 

He pulls us into a group hug, and we're all laughing. 

"Photos! Photos!" MJ and I chant. 

We all arrange our graduation caps and gowns, and pose for selfies. 

As the day trails on, I notice Peter getting distracted easier. 

"Peter. Peter, hey Peter, we're going to ask Dad and Pops to drive us to IHOP, to celebrate." I wave my hand in front of my brother's face, but he doesn't blink. I follow his gaze to see Wade talking with a teacher. 

"Go." I whisper, nudging my brother's shoulder. 

"Wha- but it's graduation. We're going to get IHOP?" Peter asks, blinking back to reality. 

"We'll save you a seat, Peter." I tell him. "You deserve this."



Peter looks back at where MJ and Ned are taking photos, then back at me. 

He nods, and walks over. 

I smile, proud of my brother. 

Ned and MJ walk over to me. 

"Is that..."

"Yep." I answer. 

Peter told all three of us about his plan to see if Wade would come. 

"He came." MJ says in an awed voice. 

"He did." I nod and smile. 

Peter laughs, and blushes, and all three of us 'aw' at the same time, before laughing. 

"Are we not getting pancakes?" MJ asks after a moment. 

"What? Never. We're meeting Peter. Who might be bringing a plus one." 

MJ links arms with me and Ned and the three of us make our way to my parents, who are talking with Ned's mother, along with MJ's parents. 

I look back once, to see Peter happy, and I break into a large grin.

We did it. 


i'm kidding there's like two more chapters, but almost done!!

if you liked this book, go check out my marvel oneshots book

and if you are in other fandoms, like supernatural, or doctor who, or sherlock, go check out my superwholock oneshot book

other than that please share and vote!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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