Chapter 19- Harley

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I pull out my phone and check to see if Peter texted me. 

"Har, put your phone away." MJ says, keeping her eyes glued to the screen. She reaches one hand over and hits my phone out of my hands. 

"Hey!" I exclaim. 

"MJ's right. You came over here to not have to worry. Stop checking your phone." Ned comments from my other side, his eyes also glued to the screen. 

(We're marathoning the Star Trek movies. The newer ones, with Chris Pine.) 

"I just... I thought that maybe Peter would text."

"This is why you're staying over. So you don't have to worry about it. Now... Chris Pine is looking real good in this, so why don't I take your phone, and you focus on the movies we let you pick." MJ reprimanded, with a faint smile, as she turns to face me. 

"Sorry, guys. Here, MJ." I pick my phone off the floor and hand it to MJ. She proceeds to shove it in her back pocket, and relax on the couch. 

I lean back slowly, feeling the tension releasing out of my shoulders. 

"See, Peter. This is fun." Ned says, grinning. 

I smile widely, and look back at the screen, relaxing into the comfort of characters I practically grew up with.


I wake up the next morning, not feeling lighter, but feeling better. Without something weighing on me. 

Last night, after we finished the Star Trek movies, I told MJ and Ned everything. 

What happened with Wade, with Peter. When I met up with Wade. 

It felt nice. To have an outside perspective. Even when talking with Peter, he's still involved. He likes Wade, whether he wants to admit it or not. 

MJ and Ned are some of the best people I've ever met, even if MJ prefers her books to her people, she has some of the best advice, rivaling my Pops. 

(She doesn't like to admit it, she prefers to be known as a cynic, but I know better)

I stretch and look around. We all fell asleep on the couch, piled under blankets, and laying on pillows. 

MJ is spread out on the sofa, her legs thrown over mine. Ned is on my other side, his head resting on my shoulder. 

I carefully move MJ's legs off of mine, and shimmy my way off the couch. 

I feel around the floor, to where MJ placed my phone last night. 

I pick it up and look at it.

I breath out disappointedly, seeing no new messages. 

"Harley, what did I tell you." MJ mumbles, sitting up and yawning. 

"I shouldn't focus on other people, just myself." I reply. 

"Exactly." MJ stands up and walks over, grabbing my phone again. 

"I'm confiscating this for the morning. We're going to get dressed at go to IHOP for breakfast."

"I don't have any money..." I lower my head.

"My mom offered. She's paying for all of us." MJ grins. "What time is it, anyway?" 

"You have my phone." I grin and MJ laughs, pulling out my phone again.

"It's 9:40. Let's get Ned up, and we can get ready and head out." 

"Great." MJ says, turning back to the couch. "AYE YO NED! WE'RE GETTING PANCAKES!" 

I flinch, and MJ frowns. Ned stirs and opens his eyes. 

"I heard pancakes?" Ned mumbles, rubbing his eyes. 

MJ and I start laughing as Ned grumbles, with a smile on his face.


much apologies. 

thanks for all the support and votes and comments it means a lot to me!!! 

if you feel like any one will like this story, please share!!

love y'all!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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