Chapter 9- Peter

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It's mine and Harley's first day back. Dad promised to drop Morgan off, and pick her up, so Harley and I can spend time with our friends. 

We haven't seen MJ since she drove back to her house, and Ned doesn't even know. Harley wanted to tell him in person if MJ hasn't told him first. 

Honestly, I wouldn't put it past MJ and Ned to beat up Wade behind our backs. 



I can't believe I like that.. that... son of a BITCH. 

I growl out loud, and Harley turns to look at me, raising his eyebrows. 

"You good, bro?" Harley asks. I nod and hitch my backpack higher up on my shoulder. 

"I don't like this," I tell him. Harley hums, which tells me he's not listening. "Harls, I'm serious, listen to me."

"What?" Harley turns to face me, halting our steady trek towards school. Since Dad was dropping Morgan off at school, Pops and Harley and I all had to take the bus to school, or work. The problem with this solution is that the closet bus stop to our school is nearly ten blocks away. 

"I don't like that Wade isn't getting trouble! I don't like the fact that he's still in school, and that I don't have classes with you all the time, in case he tries to hurt you again!" I exclaim, loudly. Harley takes a step back, his bright blue eyes hardening.  

"I don't need your protection," Harley replies, sounding a bit hurt. 

"I didn't mean it like that, I just... I hate feeling like this is partially my fault." I hang my head. 

"What do you mean?" Harley asks. 

"If I hadn't kept trying to get Wade to talk to me, then we wouldn't be here now. You wouldn't be limping, or wincing when you thought no one was looking! I noticed, Harley, I did, and I hate that I can't do anything to help you!" I circle back to my original topic.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I should have told somebody, but I was afraid nothing would change, and Wade would be harder, and I couldn't... I didn't want to be the one to ruin your relationship with Wade." Harley admits. 

"You could never!" I protest. 

"I could. You would not stop talking about him. It was Wade this and Wade that." Harley snorts, before wincing. 

"I did not," Harley smirks and my face falls. "How bad was it?" I ask. The light in Harley's eyes dies. 

"I dunno. It got harder to walk down the halls. I kept thinking that Wade would find me in the halls, and you would find out, and hate me for keeping things from you, which, by the way, was immensely difficult."

"I could never hate you," I reassure my brother, before wrapping him in a hug.

"Love you, Pete," Harley whispers. 

"Love you too."

that was so much sweeter than I anticipated, my gosh, i need more drama. 

sorry this is taking so long to update, ive been so busy. 

please share and vote!!!!

(it's raining rn, i'm so happy lmao)

XOXO Valkyrie

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