Chapter 10- Harley

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I know Peter and I resolved everything, but there's this small voice, in the back of my mind. 

Peter didn't really forgive you. 

Peter will never truly love you again. 

There will always be this tension between you two, and it's your fault. 

I clap my hands over my ears as if to block out the sound. 

"Harley, are you okay?" My AP Lit teacher comes over to my desk and touches me lightly on the shoulder. I quickly remove my hands and fold them in my lap. 

"Yes, Ms. Winthrop." I nod and flip open the book we're all supposed to be silently reading. 


"HARLEY!" Ned runs up to me and wraps me in a hug. I wince but allow him to do it, considering the last thing he saw, I was walking to Homeroom. Two days ago. 

"Hey, Ned," I pat my friend on the back, before breaking the hug. 

"How are you? Where's Wade? I'll beat him up for you."

"Beat who up?" MJ asks, walking over to us. She nods at me, and I smile back. 

"Wade." Ned answers. MJ balls her fists up and growls.

"Oh, I am so down for beating Wade up." She frowns, before looking around. "Where's Peter? Normally, he's the first one here?" 

I look around too, not seeing my twin brother: "Huh. That's weird."

"Do we wat for him, or do we look for him?" Ned asks. I shrug and move to a bench. 

"What if, I sit here and wait for him, and you two go check his last period class?" I suggest. Ned and MJ both nod, and turn to head back into the school.

I pull out my phone, ready to text Peter when someone sits down next to me. 

Thinking it's Peter, I say: "Hey, Pete, MJ and Ned just went-" I look up and gasp. I stand up and move away.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I exclaim. 

"You kiss your mother with that mouth... oh wait, you don't have one." Wade taunts. 

"Did you really come all this way, just to antagonize me?" I ask. 

"It's good fun, honestly." The corners of Wade's mouth turn up in a smirk. 

"Where's Peter? Do you know?" I demand. 

"Even if I did, why should I tell you?" Wade drawls. 

"So you don't?" This is the civilist conversation I've ever had with Wade, and it's kind of terrifying. Wade has this dry humor that Peter really likes, I can see why he likes him.

"No, idiot, I don't, that's what I actually want4d to talk to you about. Now that Peter knows about our little arrangement, what's going to stop him from trying to talk to me?" 

"Now, Wade, be reasonable. You really shouldn't care that much if Peter talks to you. You have the power to make sure he doesn't talk to you ever again." I inhale sharply. "You just want to hurt me. This was never about Peter, this was about me? Why?" 

"You're crazy. The whole world doesn't revolve around you, you know that right?" At this Wade stands up, and takes a step towards me. I flinch, and he laughs, before turning away and walking off. 

"Harley! I saw Wade was talking with you! Are you okay!" Peter skids to a stop in front of me and looks me over. 

"Peter, I'm fine. I told you, I don't need your protection, I can handle Wade, on my own." I defend. 

Peter lets out a sigh. "I know, but it scares me. What did he want, the little... little..." Peter growls. 

"Really nothing, he just wanted to be annoying for the sake of being annoying," I explain. Ned and MJ walk up to us, and MJ links her arm in mine, smiling lightly. 

"Come along boys, I would like to triumph at Mario Kart at least once before five o'clock." MJ leads the three of us to her car. 

We get in, and drive back to mine and Peter's house. 

The whole car ride, though, I'm in my thinking about Wade. 

Not like that but... 

I think I have to talk to him again. 

About Peter. 

Oh, that will not go over well with him. 

HA! Chapter 10! I'm so sorry that took so long, my cousins came over and spent four days with us 

(Which I didn't like. I hate social interaction of any kind, whether we're in quarantine or not)

and then I went to a Black Lives Matter march, and it's just been a busy week. 

so i'll try to update this story, and all my others soon, but don't count on it. 

you'd think in quarantine in summer there wouldn't be a lot of things do to, but i have a lot of things to do. 

anyways thanks for reading!!! Please vote comment and share!!!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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